Mesons of light quarks
- Jose Pelaez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
- Andrej Arbuzov (Joint Institute for Nuckear Research)
Mesons of light quarks
- Matteo Fael (University of Siegen)
Mikhail Mikhasenko
(HISKP, Universität Bonn)
27/02/2019, 09:00
Spectroscopy of light and heavy quarks
Invited Oral
Identifying properties of excited hadronic states in the light meson sector remains an ongoing challenge, due to large widths, significant overlaps, and multiple decay channels of the resonances.
A systematic approach using the unitarity-based coupled channel frameworks is required; for the reaction-independent determination of the resonance parameters, the pole positions of the resonances...
Qiang Zhao
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
27/02/2019, 09:20
Spectroscopy of light and heavy quarks
Contributed Oral
The present theoretical and experimental status of the pseudoscalar glueball studies will be reviewed. We'd show that a converged picture from both theoretical and experimental evidences does not support the eta(1405) to be the so-far broadly quoted pseudoscalar glueball candidate.
Alexey Kiselev
(Sobolev Institute for Mathematics)
27/02/2019, 09:40
Spectroscopy of light and heavy quarks
Contributed Oral
The decays $D^0\to d\bar u\,e^+\nu\to a^-_0(980)\,
e^+\nu\to\pi^-\eta\, e^+\nu$ and $D^+\to d\bar d\,e^+\nu\to
a^0_0(980)\, e^+\nu\to\pi^0\eta\, e^+\nu$ (and the charge
conjugated ones) are the direct probe of the constituent two-quark
components in the $a^\pm_0(980)$ and $a^0_0(980)$ wave functions.
Recent BESIII experiment is the first step in experimental study
of these decays. We...
Georgii Shestakov
(Sobolev Institute for Mathematics)
, Prof.
Nikolay Achasov
(Sobolev Institute for Mathematics)
27/02/2019, 10:00
Spectroscopy of light and heavy quarks
Invited Oral
The strong isospin symmetry breaking is discussed as a tool for studying the production mechanisms and nature of light scalar mesons. The review considers various reactions in which it can be detected and in which the mixing of a00(980) and f0(980) resonances that breaks the isotopic invariance due to the mass dierence of K+ and K0 mesons has already been observed experimentally.
Jose Pelaez
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
27/02/2019, 10:20
Spectroscopy of light and heavy quarks
Invited Oral
I will review recent work on the determination of strange resonance parameters from meson-meson scattering data, using dispersion relations and other techniques based on analytic properties of amplitudes. Although I will discuss resonances below 1.7 GeV, I will pay particular attention to the lightest strange resonance K*(800) or kappa meson and the dispersive determination of its existence...
Lena Heijkenskjöld
(Institut für Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)
27/02/2019, 10:40
Gamma-gamma physics
Invited Oral
Decays of the light mesons $\pi^0\$, $\eta$, $\omega$, and $\eta'$ provide a unique laboratory to test fundamental aspects of hadron physics. Precision studies of such diverse topics as the light quark mass ratio, $\pi-\pi$ scattering lengths, and searches for physics beyond the Standard Model are possible. Additionally, their Dalitz decays provide a way of measuring the electromagnetic meson...
Tianjue Min
(Nanjing University)
27/02/2019, 11:20
Spectroscopy of light and heavy quarks
Invited Oral
Light Hadron Spectroscopy at BESIII
Arkadii Kozhevnikov
(S.L. Sobolev Institute for Mathematics)
27/02/2019, 11:40
Spectroscopy of light and heavy quarks
Contributed Oral
The dynamics of the $J^{PC}=0^{-+}$, $0^{++}$, and $2^{++}$ resonance contributions to the decay $J/\psi\to\gamma X(J^{PC})\to\gamma\phi\phi$ is analysed using the data obtained by BESIII collaboration. The effective coupling constants parameterising invariant amplitudes of the transitions $J/\psi\to\gamma X(J^{PC})$ and $X(J^{PC})\to\phi\phi$ and masses of $X(J^{PC})$ resonances are found...
Konstantin Beloborodov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
27/02/2019, 12:00
Tau-lepton physics
Invited Oral
The recent precise measurements of the $e^+e^-\to K_SK_L$ and $e^+e^-\to K^+K^-$ cross sections and the hadronic spectral function of the $\tau^-\to K^-K_S\nu_\tau$ decay are used to extract the isoscalar and isovector electromagnetic form ractors and their relative phase in a model independent way. The experimental results are compared with a fit based on the vector-meson-dominance model.
Andrej Arbuzov
(Joint Institute for Nuckear Research)
27/02/2019, 12:20
Tau-lepton physics
Contributed Oral
The extended Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model is briefly described and various ways of its application are demonstrated. Theoretical treatment of low-energy meson production processes in colliding e+e- beams and tau lepton decays is reviewed. The processes considered occur via intermediate scalar, vector, and axial-vector mesons in the ground state and in the first radial excited one. The model...
Ilya Larin
(University of Massachusetts Amherst)
01/03/2019, 09:00
Gamma-gamma physics
Invited Oral
The π 0 →γγ decay amplitude is determined by the chiral anomaly. Recent theoretical calculations
have been made within Chiral Perturbation Theory and predict decay width at a percent precision
level. Precise measurement of π 0 →γγ decay width gives a possibility to check these predictions.
The PrimEx experiment unutilized Primakoff effect to measure π 0 radiative decay width.
Evgeny Kozyrev
01/03/2019, 09:20
Spectroscopy of light and heavy quarks
Contributed Oral
My talk is about an analysis of the process $e^+e^- \to 4 \pi$ with the CMD-3 detector at the VEPP-2000 Collider in the energy range 0.9--2.007 GeV. In my contribution I will focus on the study of the intermediate dynamics of the reaction, i.e. I will talk about the results in the distinguishing of different intermediate mechanisms. The dominance of the (omega pi0) and (a1 pi) amplitudes will...