Continuously operated high performance vacuum-pumping systems for Gas-Dynamic Trap

19 Nov 2019, 10:10
Conference Hall (Budker INP)

Conference Hall

Budker INP

Lavrentiev av. 11, Novosibirsk 630090 Russia
Contributed Oral Development of the basic technologies for the ALIANCE project Development of the basic technologies for the ALIANCE project


Dr Alexander Krasnov (BINP)


Estimation shows that powerful Gas-Dynamic Trap operated for generating neutrons at continuous rate 1E18 1/s will release high particle flux (∼3E22 1/s of D/T mixture) out of confinement region. The vacuum vessel of the Gas-Dynamic Trap consists of central cylindrical confinement volume and two plasma expansion vessels. In order to sustain the adequate vacuum conditions in the expansion vessels (<0.04 Pa) a continuously operating pumping system has to be incorporated into their design. The required pumping speed for each expansion vessel is estimated as 750 m^3/s. In addition, the vacuum system has to remove selectively He atoms (∼1E18 1/s). The report considers possible variants of the neutron source vacuum system with respect to its reliability, safety and cost.

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