24-28 February 2020
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

The FPGA Time-to-Digital Converter for the Large-Scale Detector TREK Based on Multi-Wire Drift Chambers

Not scheduled
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics

Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics

11, akademika Lavrentieva prospect, Novosibirsk, Russia
Board: 88
Poster Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition


Mr Vladislav Vorobev (MEPhI)


The new large-scale coordinate-tracking detector TREK is under construction in MEPhI. It is based on 264 multi-wire drift chambers (4000x508x112 mm3 size) developed in IHEP for experiments on the neutrino channel of the U-70 accelerator, and will have 250 m^2 of continuous effective area. The main goal of the project is the solution of so-called “muon puzzle”: the unpredicted by any theory excess of high multiplicity muon bundles generated by ultra-high energy primary cosmic rays. Besides of a set of field-forming wires, each multi-wire drift chamber has 4 signal ones. The current from these wires is processed by the shaper-amplifier AMP-4, mounted on the front of the chamber. It generates LVDS pulses that should be processed by multi-channel TDC that faces two main requirements: large matching window (more than 6000 ns) with LSD less than 10 ns and capability to hold more than 50 hits per channel in a single event. These conditions were fulfilled by the new time-to-digital converter developed on the basis of Cyclone V FPGA in MEPhI. This talk presents the design of the TDC, its main features and the first benchmarks of its performance.

Primary author


Dr Anatoly Borisov (IHEP) Dr Anatoly Kozhin (IHEP) Prof. Anatoly Petrukhin (MEPhI) Mr Egor Zadeba (MEPhI) Prof. Igor Yashin (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) Dr Rinat Fakhrutdinov (IHEP) Prof. Rostislav Kokoulin (MEPhI)

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