Shoji UNO
There are two campuses in KEK, Tsukuba and Tokai. In the Tsukuba campus, the operation of the SuperKEKB accelerator just started with the full Belle II detector from March 2019. SuperKEKB and Belle II had been upgraded from KEKB and Belle, respectively. The present luminosity exceeded more than 10$^{34}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ with lower total beam current as compared with KEKB due to smaller vertical focusing length at the interaction point ($\beta_y^*$). It indicates that the upgrade accelerator can provide higher luminosity with higher beam current in the near future after sufficient vacuum scrubbing. The Belle II detector is basically working. Some demonstration plots will be shown in the conference.
In the Tokai campus, the high intensity proton accelerator (J-PARC) has been operated for 10 years. The facility provides us various particles (pion, kaon, neutrino, neutron and muon). Several nuclear experiments has carried out using pion and kaon. The T2K experiment provides some results for the CP violation in the neutrino sector using neutrino and anti-neutrino. The status of new project (HK) and the status of the COMET experiment (the search for the charged lepton flavor violation) will be mentioned in the conference. Also, the material and other science have been performed utilizing neutron and muon.
Primary author
Shoji UNO