Matteo Turisini
NA62-RICH is the Ring Imaging CHerenkov detector of the NA62 experiment designed to measure the branching fraction of the ultra-rare decay of a charged kaon in a charged pion and two neutrinos. The experiment started in 2016 and is going to conclude the main measurement by 2025.
RICH sub-detector plays a fundamental role in NA62 by providing timing and multiplicity information to the global trigger system.
It is also crucial for offline analysis with a single event time resolution of 70 ps and a muon misidentification of less than $10^{-2}$.
NA62-RICH utilizes 1952 PMTs (Hamamatsu R7400) on a 1 squared meter photodetection surface.
Single photoelectron signals are fed into custom frontend boards equipped with NINO ASICs and then to TDC cards within the TEL62 TDAQ system.
Detector design and current performance are presented.
In a long term prospect (>2026) NA62 is considering the possibility to increase the nominal beam intensity by a factor 4 and RICH time resolution must scale accordingly.
Primary author
Matteo Turisini