Natascha Krammer
(Institute of High Energy Physics (Austrian Academy of Science))
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments soon step into the next period of run-3 data-taking with an increased data rate and high pileup requiring an excellent working computing infrastructure. In the future High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) data-taking period, the compute, storage and network facilities have to be further extended by large factors and flexible and sophisticated computing models are essential. New techniques of modern state-of-the-art methods in physics analysis and data science, Deep Learning and Big Data tools, are crucial to handle high-dimensional and more complex problems. Beside flexible cloud computing technologies the usage of High Performance Computing (HPC) at the LHC experiments are explored. In this presentation, I will discuss the LHC run-3 and future HL-LHC runs computing technologies and the utilisation of modern physics analysis and data science methods for the increasing and complex demands of large scale scientific computing.
Primary author
Natascha Krammer
(Institute of High Energy Physics (Austrian Academy of Science))