10-12 March 2020
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Low-energy effective actions in extended supersymmetric gauge theories

11 Mar 2020, 17:20
Room N2 (Academpark)

Room N2


Nikolaev str. 12, Novosibirsk, Russia
Oral presentation Теоретическая физика Теоретическая физика


Prof. Ioseph Buchbinder (Tomsk State Pedagogical University)


We review the superfields methods to construct the leading low-energy contributions to quantum effective action in D4, N=4; D5, N=2 and D6, N=(1,1) supersymmetric gauge theories. These theories are formulated in harmonic superspace and possess the manifest off-shell D4, N=2; D5, N=1and D6, N=(1,0) supersymmetries and additional hidden on-shell 4D, N=2; 5D, N=1 and D6, N=(0,1) supersymmetries respectively. We show that the leading low-energy contributions to quantum superfield effective action in the theories under consideration can be constructed up to a common numerical factor only on symmetry grounds where the hidden supersymmetries play a key role. The theories are quantized in terms of superfield background field method what allows to preserve the manifest supersymmetry and gauge invariance of the effective action. One-loop low-energy effective action is calculated and the results completely correspond to symmetry analysis.

Primary author

Prof. Ioseph Buchbinder (Tomsk State Pedagogical University)

Presentation Materials