Structure investigations of radiation-modified polimers

5 Jul 2016, 15:00
2nd and 3rd floors (Budker INP)

2nd and 3rd floors

Budker INP

Board: 041


Dr Uliana Ancharova (ISSCM SB RAS)


Polymethylmethacrylate and polyethylene were irradiated with intense beam of high-energy electrons or with 'white' beam of synchrotron radiation with different doses. Results of changes in structure are presented: using synchrotron radiation X-Ray diffraction and thermal analysis. X-ray diffraction experiments were carried out with involvement of equipment belonging to the shared research center SSTRC, BINP SB RAS.

Primary author

Dr Uliana Ancharova (ISSCM SB RAS)


Dr Mikhail Mikhailenko (ISSCM SB RAS) Mr Vladimir Nazmov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)

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