On the dynamical theory of the X-ray DuMond-type spectrometer

5 Jul 2016, 15:00
2nd and 3rd floors (Budker INP)

2nd and 3rd floors

Budker INP

Board: 029


Dr Tesik Chen (Moscow Technological University, Department of Physics)


Dynamical Laue-diffraction of X-rays on the bent crystal is presented. The phase of diffracted wave takes into account cubic terms. The DuMond-type spectrometer is considered for the X-ray source, situated on the Rowland-circle. Dynamical theory of the DuMond-type spectrometer is developed for ideal and mosaic curved crystals. Dependence of the spectral resolution on the source dimensions is analyzed.

Primary author

Dr Tesik Chen (Moscow Technological University, Department of Physics)

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