Analysis of K-lines X-ray fluorescence of Rare-Earth and High-Z elements on storage ring of the VEPP-4M

5 Jul 2016, 14:20
Conference Hall (Budker INP)

Conference Hall

Budker INP

Oral SR for medicine and biology application Biomedical application of SR and THz radiation


Mr Aleksandr Legkodymov (Alekseevich)


X-ray fluorescence analysis with high-energy photons (40–100 keV) is described. Measurement of K-lines from high-Z elements has attractive advantages, which are not available by L-line analysis. The experimental data on the minimum detection limits (MDLs) of rare-earth elements from La to Lu in standards of igneous rocks are described. The first results were obtained at the minimum detection limits of heavy platinoids (Os, Ir, Pt, Au) based on the lines of the K series of the characteristic radiation excited by photons with energy 100 keV. The main parameters of the beamline, layout, monochromatization system and detection system of the X-ray fluorescent are described.

Primary author

Mr Aleksandr Legkodymov (Alekseevich)


Mr Yuri Kolmogorov (Petrovich)

Presentation Materials