Alvina Vazina
(Institute of theoretical and experimental biophysics, RAS)
The researches of test samples (collagen fibres and alive muscles in various functional conditions) were carried out by method of power diffraction (Ө-const) with use of synchrotron radiations of VEPP-3 storage ring (INP SD RAS, Novosibirsk) with a continuous spectral interval from 5 to 20 keV (Е=2GeV, I = 2 - 10 mA). Use the semi-conductor Si/Li detector with high energy resolution has allowed to register the informative diffraction pictures during exposition times, essentially smaller, than at traditional methods of registration. X-ray patterns of collagen show about 16 diffraction peaks in the range of 1100 - 310 nm, distance between peaks to 800 eV, and X-ray patterns of muscle display up to 7 peaks in the range of 1430 - 530 nm.
Results of the work have shown that high efficiency of registration and the energy resolution of the detector give possibilities for development of a method of high-speed diffractometry of biological objects.
Thus, the big intensity of SR, the wide spectral interval surpassing the intensity of a monochromatic beam on several degrees in integrated intensity, and modern high-sensitive detectors open possibilities for the decision of a new class of the problems connected with dynamics of structural transformations.
Primary author
Alvina Vazina
(Institute of theoretical and experimental biophysics, RAS)
Aleksander Skrinsky
(Budker’ Institute of Nuclear Physics, SD RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Aleksander Zabelin
(NRC "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia)
Dmitriy Goganov
(Elion Plus, Ltd., S-Peterburg, Russia)
Gennady Kulipanov
(Director of SSTRC)
Vladimir Shelestov
(Institute of theoretical and experimental biophysics, RAS, Pushchino, Russia)
Vladimir Shlektarev
(Institute of theoretical and experimental biophysics, RAS, Pushchino, Russia)
Vladivir Korneev
(Institute of Cell Biophysics, RAS, Institutskaya ul. 3, 142290, Pushchino, Russia)