4-15 July 2022
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone


Student application form

Opened 7 Dec 2021
Closed 16 Feb 2022
Contact info
  • Deadline for applications is February 15, 2022.
  • Modifications of submitted applications and reference letters are accepted until 24:00 CET, February 18, 2022.
  • Number of possible attendees is limited. The submitted form will be reviewed by the organizers and a decision about admission will be e-mailed to you in March 2022.
  • All admitted participants are exempt from the organizational fees. That includes school materials, lunches, coffee breaks during working days, and planned social activities.
  • BINP and the organizers of the school value, and are committed to equality and diversity and encourage applications from all countries and from all sections of the community.
  • Please answer the questions below in English.
Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.