Frank Simon
(Max-Planck-Institute for Physics)
The International Linear Collider is a planned energy frontier electron-positron collider which will cover the energy range from 250 GeV to 1 TeV in several stages. This machine will precisely study the Higgs and Top sectors, perform electroweak precision measurements and will explore New Physics both directly and indirectly. This ambitious program requires highly performant detector systems. Two detector concepts are being developed for this future collider: The International Large Detector ILD and the Silicon Detector SiD. Both are optimized for precise event reconstruction based on particle flow in a hermetic detector, with high precision main trackers, highly granular imaging electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters and high-resolution low-mass vertex detectors. The two detector concepts adopted different technology choices to achieve the physics goals, with SiD based on an all-silicon tracker in a compact detector with a 5T magnetic field, and ILD based on a large TPC favoring a highly redundant pattern recognition over single-point resolution in a more moderate 3.5 T to 4 T field. This presentation will motivate the designs of both detectors based on the main physics objectives of ILC, will give an overview over the different detector subsystems and will show selected results from performance studies based on realistic detector simulations.
Primary author
Frank Simon
(Max-Planck-Institute for Physics)