24 February 2014 to 1 March 2014
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Testbench of shaper-digitizer modules for Belle II calorimeter

25 Feb 2014, 17:15
Poster Trigger, electronics and DAQ Posters


Dmitry Matvienko (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)


The design and construction work of the Belle II detector sub-systems, including electromagnetic calorimeter, is ongoing. The modification of the calorimeter includes the development of new electronics based on specially developed shaper-digitizer-signal-processing (Shaper DSP) modules. Shaper DSP module performs signal shaping, digitization, wave form analysis and provides fast sum signal for trigger. The calorimeter includes 576 Shaper DSP modules. Recently mass-production stage has been started and now the complete performance test for all modules is necessary. To test a workability of modules and measure their parameters, specialized testbench has been developed. The testbench allows one to study the signal shape, fast output, deviations from linearity, noise level and DSP logic. All test results are recorded to the database and some of them have graphical representation.

Primary author

Dmitry Matvienko (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)

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