Vladislav Zryuev
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
25/02/2014, 17:15
The fast GEM detector with 2-dimensional orthogonal strip readout has been developed and constructed. The multichannel front end electronics based on the 128 channel n-XYTER chip has been used. The investigations with this detector are focused on applications with high rate X-ray sources (6-20 keV). The measurement results of gas gain, spatial resolution and energy resolution are presented.
Valery Telnov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Colliders and Detector Integration
Abstract is not provided.
Aleksandr Korol
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Trigger, electronics and DAQ
The ATLAS Gateway service is implemented with a set of dedicated computer nodes to provide a fine-grained access control between CERN General Public Network (GPN) and ATLAS Technical Control Network (ATCN). ATCN connects the ATLAS online farm used for ATLAS Operations and data taking, including the ATLAS TDAQ (Trigger and Data Aquisition) and DCS (Detector Control System) nodes.
Valery Telnov
(Budker INP)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Colliders and Detector Integration
Abstract is not provided.
Vyacheslav Kaminskiy
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Colliders and Detector Integration
KEDR detector has the tagging system (TS) to study the gamma-gamma processes.
To determine the two-photon invariant mass, the energies of the scattered at small angles electrons and positrons are measured by the magnetic spectrometer embedded into the lattice of the VEPP-4M collider.
The energy resolution (scattered electron/positron energy resolution divided by the beam energy) of this...
Stavro Gayazov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science,)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Trigger, electronics and DAQ
The architecture and the implementation of the distributed data analysis system for CMD-3 detector is presented. The system effectively uses available heterogeneous resources for data storing and processing. Two type of the resources are used: local computing cluster, dedicated to CMD-3 data storage and processing, and dynamically allocated resources of supercomputers at BINP, SSCC and NUSC. A...
Victor Bobrovnikov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Colliders and Detector Integration
The purpose of the project is to create a setting for the generation of the extracted beams of electrons and gamma-rays on the basis of e⁺e⁻ collider VEPP-4M. It is planned to have a beam of electrons with energies derived from 0.1 GeV to 3.0 GeV to measure the momentum of an electron to an accuracy of better than 1% , the range of energy generated by a tagged gamma rays would be between 0.05...
Kirill Mikhailov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
During 2010 year the CMD-3 detector has started to collect experimental data produced at e⁺e⁻ collider VEPP-2000 at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics.
CMD-3 is a general purpose detector designed to study of e⁺e⁻ annihilation in to hadrons in the wide energy range, √s = 0.3÷2 GeV. The barrel electromagnetic calorimeter of the detector consists of two subsystems: closest to the beam pipe...
Gennadiy Fedotovich
(Budker Institute of nuclear physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Colliders and Detector Integration
Preliminary results of the luminosity measurement in a broad energy range are presented. The analysis is based on the integrated luminosity ~60 pb⁻¹.
For the energy range smaller 320 MeV the luminosity was determined using two processes: e⁺e⁻ → e⁺e⁻, μ⁺μ⁻. As for higher energies up to 2 GeV the luminosity determination was based on study processes e⁺e⁻ → e⁺e⁻, γγ. The applying two well known...
Dmitry Shtol
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
The muon system composed of proportional tubes and plastic scintillation counters is described. This system is constructed for the SND detector collecting data at VEPP-2000 e⁺e⁻ collider. The results of the muons and pions detection efficiency measurements are presented. These measurements have been porformed using e⁺e⁻ → μ⁺μ⁻ and e+e⁻ → π⁺π⁻ processes. Efficiency for muons is 94% for the...
Andrey Sukharev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Muon system of the KEDR detector is based on single-wire gas chambers operating in self-quenching streamer mode. Its main purposes are muon/hadron separation and cosmic veto. The system's history, status and future prospects as well as the experience gained are shown in the poster.
Ivan Basok
25/02/2014, 17:15
For further implementation of physical research program at the KEDR detector and for accompanying equipment upgrade the new drift chamber is currently being developed. This main tracking and momentum-measuring system represents gas multilayer wire chamber operating in proportional mode. Design features and modifications versus existing chamber are described. Using prototype the spatial...
Ilya Surin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Trigger, electronics and DAQ
It is planned to improve the NaI(Tl) SND electromagnetic calorimeter (EMC) with the new measuring channel. It's necessary for providing reliable detection of low-speed anti-neutrons, which are produced in e⁺e⁻ → n anti-n reaction near threshold. The proposed channel, providing about 1 ns time resolution at 100 MeV energy deposition in EMC, is described.
Konstantin Beloborodov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
For experiments with SND detector at the e⁺e⁻ - collider VEPP-2000 a new particle identification system based on dense aerogel put into operation.
The system is intended for the separation of π and K mesons up to particle energy of 1 GeV. Cherenkov radiator has refractive index n = 1.13.
Structurally, the system has the form of a barrel, divided into 9 sections in the axial angle. Light...
Leonid Epshteyn
(Budker Insitute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Trigger, electronics and DAQ
One of the goals of the Cryogenic Magnetic Detector at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia) is a study of nucleons production in electron-positron collisions near threshold. The neutron-antineutron pair production events can be detected only by the calorimeters. In the barrel calorimeter the antineutron annihilation typically occurs by 5 ns or later after beams...
Lev Shekhtman
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Large cylindrical triple-GEM detector (CGEM) is proposed to upgrade the CMD-3 tracker subsystem.
CGEM is considered both for precise measurement of z-coordinate of tracks in drift chamber (DC) and for generating signals for the first level trigger. This chamber will have better spatial resolution, trigger segmentation and rate capability with respect to the previous Z- chamber which is used...
Results on radiation hardness of avalanche photodiodes up to neutron fluences of 2.5×10¹⁴ n/cm²
Yury Musienko
(Institute for Nuclear Research (RAS))
25/02/2014, 17:15
Results on the radiation hardness of avalanche photodiodes to fast neutrons are presented. APDs from Hamamatsu were irradiated with reactor neutrons up to 1 MeV equivalent fluence of 2.5×10¹⁴ n/cm². The effects of this radiation on many parameters such as gain, intrinsic dark current, quantum efficiency, noise and capacitance for these devices are shown and discussed.
Sergey Karpov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR))
25/02/2014, 17:15
The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the central section of the ATLAS hadronic calorimeter at the Large Hadron Collider. Scintillation light produced in the tiles is transmitted by wavelength shifting fibers to photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). The resulting electronic signals from approximately 10000 PMTs are measured and digitized before being transferred to off-detector data-acquisition systems....
Aleksandr Korol
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Trigger, electronics and DAQ
The data acquisition (DAQ) system of the SND detector successfully operated during four data-taking seasons (2010-2013) at the e⁺e⁻ collider VEPP-2000. Currently the collider is shut down for planned reconstruction, which is expected to increase the VEPP-2000 luminosity and data flow from the SND detector electronics by up to 10 times .
Since current DAQ system implementation (electronics and...
Karina Martin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Test results of the threshold aerogel Cherenkov counters system with n=1.05 intended for particle separation are presented. The system is constructed for SND detector which is taking data at VEPP-2000 e⁺e⁻ collider.
The measurements have been done using particles from e⁺e⁻ → e⁺e⁻ and e⁺e⁻ → μ⁺μ⁻ reactions. The average signal from electrons is 3.5 photoelectrons.
Dmitry Matvienko
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Trigger, electronics and DAQ
The design and construction work of the Belle II detector sub-systems, including electromagnetic calorimeter, is ongoing. The modification of the calorimeter includes the development of new electronics based on specially developed shaper-digitizer-signal-processing (Shaper DSP) modules. Shaper DSP module performs signal shaping, digitization, wave form analysis and provides fast sum signal for...
Dmitry Gromushkin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Detectors for Astrophysics and Neutrino Physics
The idea of the array consists in registration of delayed thermal neutrons generated by hadronic component of extensive air showers (EAS). The array includes 32 en-detectors deployed over the area of 450 m². En-detectors are able to detect two main EAS components: electromagnetic one in the case of a group passage of charged particles (e), and hadron component through thermal neutrons (n)....
Noureddine Elkamchi
(Laboratoire de l Accelerateur Lineaire)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Trigger, electronics and DAQ
PHIL is an electron beam accelerator at LAL (Laboratoire de l Accelerateur Lineaire). It produce low energy (E<5 MeV) and high current (1nC/bunch) electrons bunch at a repetition frequency of 5Hz.
The charge measurements are performed by two Integrated Current Transformers (ICT) and two Faraday's cup.
Signals from the charge measurement system were displayed on an oscilloscope, and used to...
Aleksey Kozyrev
(Institute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Trigger, electronics and DAQ
The CMD-3 detector for VEPP-2000 e⁺e⁻ collider is under upgrade now in Novosibirsk in Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. The CMD-3 is equipped with a DAQ which is a time oriented measurement and acquire (TOMA) system specially developed for the precise experiments. The CMD-3 TOMA DAQ capacity is to process some about 10k channels with mean Trigger rate up to 5 kHz thus producing about 2.8...
Vasily Kudryavtsev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
The DEUTERON internal target facility at the VEPP-3 storage ring at BINP is intended for the experiments on interaction of electrons and positrons with proton and deuteron. The experiment requires high resolution tracking detectors which can provide the energy and angles of scattered electron.
The prototype detector with a sensitive area of 160x40 mm² was built and proved to be operational....
Victor Zhilich
25/02/2014, 17:15
The KEDR Tagging System is designed to enhance the detector ability to study the two-photon processes e⁺e⁻ → e⁺e⁻X. The collider magnetic elements (dipoles and lenses) form a magnetic spectrometer for the scattered electrons and positrons. Its energies are measured with 8 coordinate blocks which are placed beside of the vacuum chamber. In the double--tag mode an invariant mass of the...
Sergey Golovnya
(Institute for High Energy Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
The gamma quantum registration system is the part of the SVD setup at the U-70 accelerator (IHEP) exposures in experiments: SERP E-184 (An experiment for studying mechanisms of charmed particle production and decays in pA-interactions at 70 GeV/c) and SERP E-190 (Production of particles in pp-interactions in high multiplicity events at 50 GeV/c). The system consists of two detectors - the...
Ivan Nikolaev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
25/02/2014, 17:15
Colliders and Detector Integration
To high precision measurement of Υ-meson masses on VEPP-4M - KEDR accelerator complex the beam energy calibration is needed. The project of laser polarimeter for beam energy measurement by resonance depolarization method is discussed. The polarization measurement is based on up-down asymmetry of Compton backscatterring of circular polarized photons on vertical polarized electrons. Scattered...
Yuriy Pakhotin
(Texas A and M University)
25/02/2014, 17:15
The muon system of the CMS experiment provides fast muon trigger decisions, muon identifications, and muon trajectory measurements. The CMS muon system consists of drift tube chambers in central part and cathode strip chambers in forward parts complimented by trigger system consisting of resistive plate chambers distributed in both regions. The performance of the muon system depends on a...