24 February 2014 to 1 March 2014
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

The Time-of-Flight system for MPD

Not scheduled
Oral presentation PID


Mikhail Rumiantcev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


The TOF system of MPD is the main detector for particles identification. For an efficient separation of pions from kaons in the momentum range 0-2.5 GeV/c and protons from kaons in the range 0‑4.5 GeV/c it should have time resolution better than 100 ps. The TOF system is based on mRPC detectors. It consists of a barrel with radius of 1.5 m and two End caps. The barrel and caps cover the region |η| < 1.4 and 1.5 < |η| < 2 correspondingly. During the test of full size mRPC prototype with active area of 600 x 300 mm² and strip readout a time resolution of about 65 ps and efficiency of ~99% were obtained. The start signal for TOF system in the MPD setup will be provid by two stations of Cherenkov quartz counters (FFD - Fast Forward Detector). The key idea is registration of high-energy photons from neutral pions decays, by their conversion to electrons inside a lead plate. The electrons leave the lead plate and pass through a quartz radiator, generating the Cherenkov light with excellent time characteristics. The Cherenkov light registration by multianode microchannels photomultiplier tube (MCP-PMT). The FFD consists of two sub-detectors FFDL and FFDR, arranged as arrays of modules and situated near the beam pipe at a distance of 75 cm to the left and to the right from the interaction region. Each sub-detector array has a hole for the beam pipe and a pseudorapidity acceptance of 2.3 < |η| < 3.1. Four prototypes of the FFD modules were test on the Nuclotron beam also and it have time resolution les then 35 ps.

Primary author

Mikhail Rumiantcev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

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