24 February 2014 to 1 March 2014
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

The CMD-3 TOMA DAQ infrastructure

25 Feb 2014, 17:15
Poster Trigger, electronics and DAQ Posters


Aleksey Kozyrev (Institute of Nuclear Physics)


The CMD-3 detector for VEPP-2000 e⁺e⁻ collider is under upgrade now in Novosibirsk in Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. The CMD-3 is equipped with a DAQ which is a time oriented measurement and acquire (TOMA) system specially developed for the precise experiments. The CMD-3 TOMA DAQ capacity is to process some about 10k channels with mean Trigger rate up to 5 kHz thus producing about 2.8 Gbps data rate. The main feature of CMD-3 TOMA DAQ is high grade of unification, which allows low count of module types. It is the way to decrease the cost of ownership and production time of the system. Unification is based on flat model design approach and multiple synchronization modes which provided by CMD-3 TOMA DAQ. The special attention is devoted to synchronization of data transmission, and electronics efficiency on-line checks. The environment of signaling of synchronization and the data, named C-Link has been for this purpose specially developed. The accepting decisions by working out have allowed to reach high degree of unification of electronics that has allowed to reduce the nomenclature of units. This paper describes the features of hardware part of TOMA DAQ system.

Primary author

Aleksey Kozyrev (Institute of Nuclear Physics)

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