24 February 2014 to 1 March 2014
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Time resolution measurements of scintillation counters prototypes for a new trigger Charged Hodoscope (CHOD)

1 Mar 2014, 09:20
Oral presentation Trigger, electronics and DAQ Trigger, electronics and DAQ


Sergey Kholodenko (Institute for High Energy Physics)


New CHOD would be a part of L0 trigger at NA62 experiment and should provide a veto signal on multiplicity and photonuclear interaction at RICH mirrors from one hand and be a time setting counter together with RICH for single track events from another. Measurements were done on cosmic muons using MWPC as a tracking system and SiPM's as photodetectors.

Primary author

Sergey Kholodenko (Institute for High Energy Physics)

Presentation Materials