Resonances and exclusive processes
- Jan Friedrich (TU München)
- Nikolay Achasov (Sobolev Institute for Mathematics)
Resonances and exclusive processes
- Andreas Nyffeler (Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Mainz, Germany)
Sadaharu Uehara
(KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
18/06/2015, 08:00
Resonances and exclusive processes
Oral presentation
We summarize results of light-quark meson studies for spectroscopy and their particle properties in two-photon processes at the Belle experiment. We report on dozens of different meson-state formation processes in the mass region, 0.9 - 2.6 GeV.
Sergey Serednyakov
(Novosibrsk State University, BINP)
18/06/2015, 08:20
Resonances and exclusive processes
Oral presentation
The Initial State Radiation (ISR) method in the Babar experiment has been used to measure the timelike electromagnetic form factors at the momentum transfer from 9 to 42 GeV2 for protons and from 7 to 56 GeV2 for charged kaons. The obtained data show the tendency to approach the QCD asymptotic prediction for kaons and spacelike form factors values for proton.
Jan Friedrich
(TU München)
18/06/2015, 08:40
Resonances and exclusive processes
Oral presentation
COMPASS is a multi-purpose experiment operated at CERN for investigations of the strong interaction from low to highest energy scales. At low energies, photon-pion interactions provide input for understanding the effective dynamics of strongly bound states of quarks and gluons, mostly prominently the recent measurement of the polarisability of the charged pion. At higher
energies, the meson...
Olga Lukina
18/06/2015, 09:20
Resonances and exclusive processes
Oral presentation
The ratio of the exclusive electroproduction of psi(2S) and J/psi mesons has been
measured at HERA. The results are sensitive to the wave functions of the vector
and are compared to predictions of QCD-inspired models of vector-meson production.
Exclusive dijet production in diffractive deep inelastic scattering has been measured
at HERA. Cross sections are presented as a...
Patricia Rebello Teles
(Brazilian Center for Physics Research)
18/06/2015, 09:40
Resonances and exclusive processes
Oral presentation
Rainer Schicker
(Phys. Inst., Uni Heidelberg)
18/06/2015, 10:30
Resonances and exclusive processes
Oral presentation
Rainer Schicker for the ALICE collaboration
Heavy-ion beams at high energy generate large photon fluxes which
result in a variety of photon-hadron and photon-photon processes
with large cross sections. The ALICE experiment at CERN is well
suited to measure such reaction channels in the central barrel
as well as in the forward muon spectrometer. The ALICE results
from Run I of the LHC...
Aleksey Berdyugin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
18/06/2015, 10:50
Resonances and exclusive processes
Oral presentation
The decay eta' ->e+e- has been searched for at the VEPP-2000 e+e- collider with the SND detector using the reaction e+e- -> eta'. The following upper limits have been set at the 90% CL: Gamma(eta' -> e+e-) < 0.0020 eV and B(eta' -> e+e-) < 10^-8. Sensitivity of VEPP-2000 for measurement of the e+e- -> eta cross section has been studied.
Mikhail Egorov
(Tomsk Polytechnic University)
18/06/2015, 11:05
Resonances and exclusive processes
Oral presentation
The model of coherent $\pi^0\pi^0$ mesons photoproduction on simplest nuclei of hydrogen and deiterium in the region $E_{\gamma}\le1.4$ GeV is presented.
Two pion rescattering amplitude in process $\pi^+\pi^-\to\pi^0\pi^0$ is taken into account from phenomenological fit is accurately defined it
in treshold region as well as up to 1100 MeV relative energy in $\pi\pi$ c.m.
Elizaveta Rogozina
(Novosibirsk State University)
, Prof.
Nikolay Achasov
(Sobolev Institute for Mathematics)
18/06/2015, 11:20
Resonances and exclusive processes
Oral presentation
Enfant terrible of charmonium spectroscopy, the resonance X(3872), generated a stream of interpretations and ushered in a new exotic XYZ spectroscopy. In the meantime, many (if not all) characteristics of X(3872) are rather ambiguous. We construct spectra of decays of the resonance X(3872) with good analytical and unitary properties which allow to define the branching ratio of the...
Georgii Shestakov
(Institute for Mathematics, Novosibirsk)
18/06/2015, 11:35
Resonances and exclusive processes
Oral presentation
We elucidate the possible mechanism of the isospin breaking decay $\eta(1405)\to f_0(980)\pi^0\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$.
Arkadii Kozhevnikov
(S.L. Sobolev Institute for Mathematics)
18/06/2015, 11:50
Resonances and exclusive processes
Oral presentation
Branching fractions of decays of heavy quarkonia $\psi(3770)$, $psi(4040)$, and $\Upsilon(10580)$ to the states $\pi^+\pi^-$, $K\bar K$, $\omega\pi^0$, $\omega\eta$, $\omega\eta^\prime$, $\rho\eta$, $\rho\eta^\prime$, $K^\ast\bar K+c.c.$, $\rho^+\rho^-$, $K^\ast\bar K^\ast$ etc are evaluated in the model of the Okubo - Zweig - Iizuka rule violation due to the real intermediate states of mesons...
Alexey Kiselev
(Sobolev Institute for Mathematics)
18/06/2015, 13:30
Resonances and exclusive processes
Oral presentation
The prediction of the cross section $\sigma(\gamma\gamma^*(Q^2)\to
\eta\pi^0)$ based on the simultaneous description of the Belle
data on the $\gamma\gamma\to \eta\pi^0$ reaction and the KLOE data
on the $\phi\to\eta\pi^0\gamma$ decay is presented.
Christoph Hanhart
18/06/2015, 13:45