11-15 September 2023
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Measurement of the pulse duration at the 3rd laser of Novosibirsk FEL

12 Sep 2023, 17:00
1h 30m
Board: 012
Poster Synchrotron radiation sources and FELs Posters I


Vladislav Borin (BINP)


A scheme of an autocorrelator developed for measuring the duration of picosecond pulses of infrared radiation from the 3rd Novosibirsk Free Electron Laser is presented. The measurement is based on the generation of second harmonic radiation in the nonlinear crystal ZnGeP2 when two delayed pulses of radiation are overlapped in the crystal. The scheme was tested on a visible range laser with a pulse duration of about 10 picoseconds, and the results were compared with a streak camera measurements. The paper presents the results of experiments on testing the scheme and measuring the pulse duration of the 3rd Novosibirsk FEL.

Young scientist paper Yes

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