11-15 September 2023
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

What can bent crystals do on modern accelerators

12 Sep 2023, 17:00
1h 30m
Board: 020
Poster Modern trends in accelerator technology Posters I


Mrs Alina Vasilyeva (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - IHEP, Protvino)


The article presents new applications of curved crystals in accelerator science, which can stimulate new experi-ments in high-energy physics: a new type of beam lines for positive secondary particles, the production of high-energy neutrino beams, and the crystal muon collider. Proposals were formulated for the use of crystals in large hadron colliders, which were confirmed by experimental studies both at CERN accelerators and at the domestic U-70 accelerator.

Young scientist paper Yes

Primary authors

Mrs Alina Vasilyeva (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - IHEP, Protvino) Mr Aleksandr Afonin (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - IHEP, Protvino) Mr Mikhail Chesnokov (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - IHEP, Protvino) Prof. Yurii Chesnokov (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - IHEP, Protvino) Dr Andrey Yanovich (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - IHEP, Protvino)

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