11-15 September 2023
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Experimental stations of the Novosibirsk free-electron laser facility and research on them

12 Sep 2023, 10:10
Conference Hall (Budker INP)

Conference Hall

Budker INP

Lavrentiev av. 11, Novosibirsk 630090 Russia
Oral Synchrotron radiation sources and FELs SR and FEL sources 1


Dr Vasily Gerasimov (Budker Institute of nuclear physics SB RAS)


For almost 20 years, users from various fields of science have been conducting fundamental research at the unique facility Novosibirsk Free Electron Laser (NovoFEL) of the Siberian synchrotron and terahertz radiation research center. The combination of unique characteristics of NovoFEL radiation, as high spectral power, monochromaticity, wavelength tunability in a wide wavelength range (8–400 μm), spatial and temporal coherence, enable to solve the scientific problems that are inaccessible when using conventional terahertz sources. Among the ongoing work at the NovoFEL, several main streams of research can be stand out: THz photonics and plasmonics, materials science, THz acousto-optics, ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy of molecules, optical discharge in gases, THz EPR spectroscopy of molecular magnets and paramagnetic compounds, studies the affect of THz radiation on biological objects.
The most significant results of researches achieved at the Novosibirsk radiation source in recent years will be presented.

Young scientist paper No

Primary author

Dr Vasily Gerasimov (Budker Institute of nuclear physics SB RAS)

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