11-15 September 2023
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Development of the high temperature evaporators to obtaining of the Ti, Cr, Ni, Fe metal-ions from ECR ion sources

12 Sep 2023, 17:00
1h 30m
Board: 033
Poster Ion, electron and positron sources Posters I


Konstantin Kuzmenkov (JINR)


Research in the field of obtaining metal ions with high evaporation temperature, such as Ti, Cr, Ni, Fe, etc. is an extremely urgent and promising task. Solution of the task will to allow conduct various experiments, both on the synthesis of new super heavy elements and on the study of the properties of already discovered isotopes. For this purpose, we develop two different version of high-temperature evaporators, the operating temperature of which reaches a value of 2000 °C. As part of the work, we designed and modeled evaporators that ensure an increase of the sample temperature by using a radiation shielding system.

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