11-15 September 2023
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Capture and transport of vortex quantum states

12 Sep 2023, 17:00
1h 30m
Board: 042
Poster Beam dynamics, beam cooling methods, new approaches... Posters I


Stanislav Baturin (ITMO University)


Recently high energy vortex states of charge particles raised significant interest in the community. For instance, different probabilities of basic QED processes possess modified angular distributions if one of the particles in the process is in a twisted (vortex) quantum state. One needs a relativistic source of vortex charge particles to probe these ideas experimentally. Such a source does not exist yet. We present a concept of such a machine and a theoretical model that provides a basic understanding of how such a source could be built. Preliminary considerations show that preservation of the twisted quantum state is possible and acceleration of the twisted quantum state looks feasible.
I. P. Ivanov, Promises and challenges of high-energy vortex states collisions, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 2, 103987 2022. **S. S. Baturin, D.V. Grosman, G.K. Sizykh, D.V. Karlovets Evolution of an accelerated charged vortex particle in an inhomogeneous magnetic lens // Phys Rev A 2022, 106(4):42211 The work is supported by Russina Science Foundation Grant #22-22-20062

Young scientist paper No

Primary authors

Stanislav Baturin (ITMO University) Dr Dmitry Karlovets (ITMO University)

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