Neutron Shielding Analysis and Activation Calculation of GDT-based Fusion Neutron Source

18 Nov 2019, 11:40
Conference Hall (Budker INP)

Conference Hall

Budker INP

Lavrentiev av. 11, Novosibirsk 630090 Russia
Plenary Presentation Axisymmetric LInear Advanced Neutron sourCE Axisymmetric LInear Advanced Neutron sourCE


Dr Qiusun Zeng (Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, CAS)


The report presents results of neutron shielding calculation for ALIANCE project, especially for ALIANCE-2. We used the Monte Carlo transport program SuperMC with data library FENDL 2.1. The calculation results show that the 5cm thickness of the shielding layer of ALIANCE-2 is enough. The highest nuclear thermal deposition is at Coil-3 (C3) with a value 0.92W/m3. It is much lower than ITER's nuclear thermal deposition limit for superconducting conductors, which is 1KW/m3. Special attention has been paid to the shielding of the mirror coils. Materials activation calculation is ongoing.

Primary authors

Dr Qiusun Zeng (Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, CAS) Mr Wenjie Yang (Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, CAS)


Prof. Zhibin Chen (Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, CAS)

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