Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
- Vladimir Zhulanov (Budker INP)
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
- Vladimir Zhulanov (Budker INP)
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
- Yoshihito IWASAKI (KEK)
Stepan Vereschagin
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
25/02/2020, 15:40
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
Contributed Oral
Time Projection Chamber is the main tracker of the Multi-Purpose Detector. The detector will operate at one of beam interaction points of the collider NICA and it is optimized to investigate both hot and dense baryonic matter. The TPC Front-End Electronics will operate with event rate up to 7 kHz at average luminosity 10^27 cm^-2s^-1 for gold collisions at √SNN = 9 GeV/n. The electronics is...
Michael Traxler
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
25/02/2020, 16:00
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
Invited Oral
High precision time measurements as well as pulse width encoded charge measurements are a crucial element in particle identification detectors.
FPGA based time-to-digital converters have been proven to be very useful devices for this task.
The design efforts at GSI lay special emphasis on providing low and lowest cost platforms for TDCs. This is due to the fact that in particle physics,...
Yoshihito IWASAKI
25/02/2020, 16:40
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
Contributed Oral
The Belle-II Level-1 trigger has been designed and constructed to select physics events of our interests for the Belle-II experiment at the asymmetric-energy electron-positron collider SuperKEKB. Our main physics target is a B-meson
pair produced via Upsilon 4S, but also continuum event and a tau pair are important. To select those events with high efficiency, we use signals from the central...
Manfred Jeitler
(HEPHY Vienna)
25/02/2020, 17:00
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
Invited Oral
The CMS experiment uses a two-level triggering system consisting of the Level-1, instrumented by custom-design hardware boards, and the High Level Trigger, a streamlined version of the offline reconstruction software running on a computer farm. The upgrade of the collider to the “High-Luminosity LHC” that will deliver a luminosity of $5-7 \cdot 10^{34} cm^{-2}s^{-1}$, corresponding to 140--200...
Anton Poluektov
(Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS/IN2P3, CPPM, Marseille, France)
25/02/2020, 17:20
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
Contributed Oral
The LHCb experiment at the LHC collider at CERN is undergoing a major upgrade in 2019-2021. The goal is to be able to operate at an instantaneous luminosity of $2\times 10^{33}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$, which is 5 times higher than the luminosity in previous LHCb runs. This requires a major redesign of the trigger system due to outstanding rate of beauty and charm hadron production. In the upgraded...
Polyneikis Tzanis
(National Technical University of Athens)
25/02/2020, 17:40
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
Contributed Oral
The LHC accelerator plans to have a series of upgrades to increase its instantaneous luminosity to7.5×1034cm−2s−1.The luminosity increase drastically impacts the ATLAS trigger and readout data rates.The present ATLAS small wheel muon detector will be replaced with a New Small Wheel (NSW) detectorwhich is expected to be installed in the ATLAS Undergroundcavern at the end ...
Chrysostomos Valderanis
25/02/2020, 18:00
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
Contributed Oral
The ATLAS monitored drift tube (MDT) chambers are the main component of the precision tracking system in the ATLAS muon spectrometer. The MDT system is capable of measuring the sagitta of muon tracks to an accuracy of 60 μm, which corresponds to a momentum accuracy of about 10% at pT=1 TeV. To cope with large amount of data and high event rate expected from the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC)...
Vladimir Zhulanov
(Budker INP)
28/02/2020, 14:30
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
Invited Oral
To meet new TDAQ buffering requirements and withstand the high expected radiation doses at the high-luminosity LHC, the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter readout electronics will be upgraded. The triangular calorimeter signals are amplified and shaped by analogue electronics over a dynamic range of 16 bits, with low noise and excellent linearity. Developments of low-power preamplifiers and...
Etienne FORTIN
28/02/2020, 14:50
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
Invited Oral
Electronics developments are pursued for the trigger readout of the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeter towards the Phase-I upgrade scheduled in the LHC shut-down period of 2019-2020. Trigger signals with higher spatial granularity and higher precision are needed in order to improve the identification efficiencies of electrons, photons, tau, jets and missing energy, at high background rejection...
Mikhail Remnev
28/02/2020, 15:10
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
Contributed Oral
Belle II experiment is conducted in KEK institute, at the SuperKEKB B-factory, with all detector subsystems taking data since March 2019. One of the primary detector subsystems is an electromagnetic crystal calorimeter (ECL) that consists of 8736 CsI(Tl) scintillation crystals.
This report describes data acquisition (DAQ) system that has been developed for ECL. Front-end electronics of ECL...
Markus Preston
(Stockholm University)
28/02/2020, 15:30
Contributed Oral
PANDA is one of the four experimental pillars of the upcoming FAIR facility in Darmstadt,
Germany. In PANDA, an antiproton beam with an energy between 1.5 and 15 GeV/$c$ will interact in
a hydrogen or nuclear target, allowing for studies of various aspects of non-perturbative QCD.
Motivated by the high interaction rates and the diverse physics goals of the experiment, a triggerless
(Hanyang University)
28/02/2020, 15:50
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
Contributed Oral
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB electron-positron collider began physics data-taking in 2019 with full detectors. The main
goal of the Belle II is to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model in heavy flavor sector.
In order to select events of interest efficiently under severe beam background environment from higher instantaneous luminosity run
than the KEKB collider, we...
Dmitriy Maximov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
28/02/2020, 16:40
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
Contributed Oral
ATLAS electron and photon triggers covering transverse energies from 5 GeV to several TeV are essential to record signals for a wide variety of physics: from Standard Model processes to searches for new phenomena in both proton-proton and heavy ion collisions. Main triggers used during Run 2 (2015-2018) for those physics studies were a single-electron trigger with ET threshold around 25 GeV...