September, 28th. We upload the presentations slides to the server. Please refer to the Workshop programme about requested talk and then look to the folder about PDF.
The 12th International workshop POSIPOL-2017 will be held on September, 18-21 and hosted by the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia) The workshop will be focused on the polarized and unpolarized positron sources dedicated to the future linear and circular colliders. The workshop is addressed to the wide community working on the electron-positron collider projects as well as to the scientists and engineers interested in the intense photon beams for industrial and medical applications.
Conference Topics:
Registration deadline - Monday 17 July 2017
Local Organization Committee
D. Berkaev, BINP
M. Kuzin, BINP
E. Levichev, BINP
P. Logachev, BINP
P. Martyshkin, BINP
P. Pimivov, BINP
International Program Committee
E. Bulyak, KIPT
R. Chehab, LAL
S. Doebert, CERN
T. Kamitani, KEK
M. Kuriki, Hiroshima U
T. Omori, KEK
P. Sievers, CERN
T. Takahashi, Hiroshima U
L. Rinolfi, CERN
S. Riemann, DESY
A. Ushakov, Hamburg U / DESY
J. Urakawa, KEK
K. Yokoya, KEK
F. Zimmermann, CERN
Previous meetings - POSIPOL-2015 at Daresbury, POSIPOL-2014 at Ichinoseky, POSIPOL-2013 at LAL, POSIPOL-2012 at DESY.