24 February 2014 to 1 March 2014
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

CLIC Vertex-Detector R&D

25 Feb 2014, 12:05
Oral presentation Tracking Tracking


Sophie Redford (CERN)


The CLIC vertex detector must have excellent spatial resolution, full geometrical coverage extending to low polar angles, extremely low mass, low occupancy facilitated by time-tagging, and sufficient heat removal from sensors and readout. These considerations, together with the physics needs and beam structure of CLIC, push the technological requirements to the limits and imply a very different vertex detector than the ones currently in use elsewhere. A detector concept based on hybrid planar pixel-detector technology is under development for the CLIC vertex detector. It comprises fast, low-power and small-pitch readout ASICs implemented in 65 nm CMOS technology (CLICpix) coupled to ultra-thin sensors via low-mass interconnects. The power dissipation of the readout chips is reduced by means of power pulsing, allowing for a cooling system based on forced gas flow. In this talk, the CLIC vertex-detector requirements are reviewed and the current status of R&D on sensors, readout and detector integration is presented.

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