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15-19 June 2015
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Contribution List

79 / 79
Prof. Albert De Roeck (CERN)
15/06/2015, 09:10
Higgs and photons, electroweak and new physics
Oral presentation
Prof. Alexei Safonov (Texas A&M University)
15/06/2015, 10:05
Higgs and photons, electroweak and new physics
Oral presentation
Dr Elena Pakhtusova (Budker INP)
16/06/2015, 08:00
Two-photon physics history
Oral presentation
Prof. Ilya Ginzburg (Sobolev Inst. of Mathematics SB RAS and Novosibirsk State University)
16/06/2015, 08:50
Two-photon physics history
Oral presentation
In this report I present personal view for history of two-photon physics
Dr Dave Besson (University of Kansas)
16/06/2015, 11:10
Dr Giulia Pancheri (INFN)
16/06/2015, 13:30
Two-photon physics history
Oral presentation
Dr Frederic Kapusta (LPNHE Paris)
16/06/2015, 13:55
Dr Boris Grube (TU, Munchen)
18/06/2015, 09:00
Mrs Patricia Rebello Teles (Brazilian Center for Physics Research)
18/06/2015, 09:40
Resonances and exclusive processes
Oral presentation
Dr Simon Eidelman (Budker INP)
19/06/2015, 08:50
19/06/2015, 14:50