11-15 September 2023
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Magnetic system of the lines of transportation of the derived beams of the cyclotron U400R.

13 Sep 2023, 17:50
1h 10m
Board: 059
Poster Accelerator sub-systems Posters II


Vadim Bass (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


The U400 cyclotron complex has been operated in the FLNR, JINR, since 1985. Currently, the complex is being prepared for reconstruction, which includes the modernization of the main nodes of the cyclotron, as well as the creation of a new system for transporting particles through channels leading to a new experimental hall. This article discusses the results of three-dimensional calculations of TM turning magnets as part of a magnetic system of lines for transporting derived beams of charged particles.

Young scientist paper Yes

Primary author

Vadim Bass (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


Ivan Ivanenko (JINR) Vladislav Lisov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions)) Dr Nikolay Kazarinov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions)) Mr Alexey Zabanov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions)) Dr Igor Kalagin (JINR) Dr Vasiliy Semin (JINR) Dr Nikolay Osipov (JINR)

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