11-15 September 2023
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

VEPP-5 injection complex application-level software

13 Sep 2023, 17:50
1h 10m
Board: 022
Poster Accelerator sub-systems Posters II


Mr Fedor Emanov (BINP)


VEPP-5 injection complex is a beam source for BINP colliders. Its control system software based on CXv4 framework that provides hardware abstraction and communication. Centralized configuration and control software for injection complex was developed in Python. In order to do that was created a set of libraries which simplifies development and prototyping of control services and PyQt applications. Configuration tools use PostgreSQL database, which contains logical stricture of machine. Software description and development experience are discussed.

Young scientist paper No

Primary author

Mr Fedor Emanov (BINP)

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