11-15 September 2023
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Automated radiation monitoring system (ARMS) and Interlock and signalization system (ISS) of the cyclotron U400M

13 Sep 2023, 17:50
1h 10m
Board: 046
Poster Accelerator sub-systems Posters II


Mr Pavel Komarov (JINR)


Nowadays Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions provides a broad modernization program of the accelerator complex. In particular, it has the modernization of the U400M cyclotron. As a part of this work, there is modernization of the Automated Radiation Monitoring System (ARMS) and Interlock and signalization system (ISS), which ensure radiation safety of the personnel working at the U400M.
This report is an overview of two modern systems, namely the ARMS of building 101 and the ISS of the U400M. The report presents main types of the radiation monitoring carried out by the ARMS, the equipment used for radiation monitoring, and capabilities of the ARMS software. It also contains the logic of the ISS operation, modes of operation of the U400M facility, and the main elements of the ISS. In addition the paper shows the logic of the interaction between the ARMS and the ISS with each other, and the interaction of these systems with the Control System of the U400M.

Young scientist paper Yes

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