11-15 September 2023
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Virtual prototyping of the cyclotrons for medical applications

13 Sep 2023, 17:50
1h 10m
Board: 096
Poster Accelerator applications for medicine, industry and applied researches Posters II


Oleg Karamyshev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


Nowadays, cyclotrons are getting smaller and therefore much more tightly composed than ever before. I have developed a technique for creating a complete virtual prototype of the cyclotron and simulating every significant physical effect occurring in the cyclotron. Such virtual prototype is a CAD assembly, which can be directly used in the further manufacture of the cyclotron. Proposed and developed a new concept of cyclotrons for medical applications, that uses an innovative 3:1 hill/valley ratio and a 4:8 magnetic/RF harmonics ration instead of the classic 1:1 ratio. These cyclotrons featuring innovative central region with DC pre-acceleration and double spiral sector design are over 2 times lighter, more power efficient and require over 10 times less copper (or HTS High Temperature Superconductor ) for coil.

Young scientist paper No

Primary author

Oleg Karamyshev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

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