Research of nanoscale systems of complex composition by XAFS method at the EXAFS spectroscopy station of SSTRC

15 Jul 2020, 14:00
Zoom 860 5034 1820 (Zoom)

Zoom 860 5034 1820


Oral X-ray spectroscopy X-ray spectroscopy


Dr Vladimir Kriventsov


This work shows the results of the study of trial test samples of technological and natural origin, and using a complex composition for the development of combined methods based on synchrotron radiation (SR), such as μ-XANES/EXAFS, μ-XRF, and others. Main goal of the study is to adapt the developed integrated approach for the study of micro-inclusions and microparticles by SR methods in the near future. All the spectra of the studied samples were recorded using standard methods, both at the experimental module of x-ray confocal microscopy located at NRC “Kurchatov Institute” (Moscow) and at XRF-, EXAFS- stations of Siberian Synchrotron Terahertz Radiation Center (SSTRC, Novosibirsk).
The studied test samples with a complex composition (such as low-percentage metal oxide nanocomposites, nanoalloys, and samples of natural origin) were synthesized and/or selected from existing collections. Test samples and benchmarks necessary for testing and developing SR techniques were studied by a set of methods (μ-XANES/EXAFS, μ-XRF, XAFS, XRF, HRTEM, XPS, SEM, EDX, etc.). New information about phase and element compositions, atomic structure, morphology, and structural parameters was obtained for the test systems under study. The data obtained by all the methods are in a good agreement. The possibilities of the proposed approach for the study of microparticles and micro-inclusions of complex composition by methods implemented using synchrotron radiation are demonstrated.
The work was carried out in the framework of the RFBR projects no. 19-05-50046, 18-03-01251. The work was done at the shared research center SSTRC on the basis of the Novosibirsk FEL/VEPP-4-VEPP-2000 complex at BINP SB RAS, using equipment supported by project RFMEFI62119X0022.

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