Recent experiments in Terahertz Photonics, Plasmonics, and Spectroscopy at the Novosibirsk Free Electron Laser Facility

14 Jul 2020, 14:00
Zoom 860 5034 1820 (Zoom)

Zoom 860 5034 1820


Invited Oral THz radiation aplication THz radiation aplication


Prof. Boris Knyazev


A review is given of the experiments in the field of photonics and plasmonics, recently performed on the Novosibirsk free electron laser (NovoFEL). The parameters of NovoFEL radiation and user workstations are described. Considerable attention is paid to the development and testing of quasi-optical elements designed for this range and to methods for the formation of powerful beams of terahertz radiation with a given mode composition. The use of terahertz radiation in the spectroscopy of gases and semiconductors, in the generation and study of surface plasmon polaritons, as well as the use of the latter for the study of surfaces and in the communication applications, are described.
The work was supported in parts by the RFBR grant No. 15-02-06444 and the RSF grant No. 19-12-00103.


A review is given of the experiments in the field of photonics and plasmonics, recently performed on the Novosibirsk free electron laser (NovoFEL). The parameters of NovoFEL radiation and user workstations are described. Considerable attention is paid to the development and testing of quasi-optical elements designed for this range and to methods for the formation of powerful beams of terahertz radiation with a given mode composition. The use of terahertz radiation in the spectroscopy of gases and semiconductors, in the generation and study of surface plasmon polaritons, as well as the use of the latter for the study of surfaces and in the communication applications, are described.

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