One of the leading areas in telecommunication technology is the development of high-speed devices. At present, the use of the acousto-optical (AO) effect to control radiation is promising. Devices based on this effect are used in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared ranges. One of the main problems of using the AO effect in the terahertz (THz) range is the low diffraction efficiency (four orders of magnitude less than in the visible range) due to an increase in the radiation wavelength. This work is devoted to modeling the operation of the AO filter of a THz radiation, in which the collinear geometry of the interaction of the radiation beam with the ultrasound beam is used. In contrast to the well-known works in which the sound beam was assumed to be homogeneous and the chalk plane wave front, we used the model structure of the sound beam. The nonpolar liquid hexane (C6H14) was chosen as the AO interaction medium, since it is characterized by acceptable values of transparency and attenuation of ultrasound.
The work was supported by RSF grant No.18-12-00430.