We demonstrate the capabilities of ion-beam lithography (IBL) for the manufacturing of the X-ray refractive micro-optics. With the help of IBL, the hardest of current materials – diamond – was milled, and micro scale diamond lenses were produced. Lenses have a rotationally parabolic profile with radii of parabola apexes less than 5 μm. As has been confirmed with SEM and AFM, shape profile errors of fabricated lenses were < 200 nm, while the surface roughness was estimated to be 30 nm. Single lenses were stacked in the CRL within one technological process with high alignment precision that has been further verified by acquired X-ray radiograms. The optical performance of the CRL was successfully tested at a third-generation synchrotron, where the lenses provided diffraction-limited focusing of X-ray radiation and demonstrated intensity profiles with Gaussian distributions at every measured longitudinal position (along the optical axis) downstream of the CRL.
This research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 19-72- 30009).