Dependence of the spectral and luminescent properties of polymethyl methacrylate on its molecular weight

15 Jul 2020, 14:20
Zoom 860 5034 1820 (Zoom)

Zoom 860 5034 1820


Oral X-ray structural analysis X-ray spectroscopy


G.A. Lyubas (ISSCM SB RAS)


A line of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) samples was synthesized using synchrotron radiation of the VEPP-3 accelerator and the high-energy electron beam of the ILU-6 accelerator. The study was carried out during the in situ synthesis of PMMA in the recording of luminescence spectra and their kinetics. An experimental study was also made of the luminescence of PMMA samples with a molecular weight in the range 0.2 · 10^6 - 6 · 10^6 under excitation by an SR beam in the range of 3 - 60 keV. It was found that with an increase in the molecular weight of PMMA, the maximum of the luminescence band of PMMA shifts toward the long-wavelength direction (redshift), and the luminescence decay time decreases. An increase in the luminescence bandwidth with increasing molecular weight is also observed. These effects are explained by the ordering of the polymer structure and increase in density, which leads to a decrease in interatomic distances and, consequently, to a shift in electronic levels and a change in their width.
This work was supported by RFBR grants 19-29-12045, 16-29-01050, 14-03-00770 and the Ministry of Science and Education of Russia grant AAAA-A17-117030310280-6.

Primary author

G.A. Lyubas (ISSCM SB RAS)


Boris Tolochko (Institute of solid state chemistry and mechanochemistry) Dr Mikhail Mikhailenko Mr Alexey Ancharov

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