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Trends on Montel X-ray Optics and Pinholes for Synchrotron Beamlines

15 Jul 2020, 16:20
Zoom 890 9721 5207

Zoom 890 9721 5207

Oral SR technological application and X-ray apparatus SR technological application and X-ray apparatus


Jörg Wiesmann (Incoatec GmbH)


Different kinds of X-ray mirrors are required for beam alignment, guidance or monochromator applications. Therefore various types of optics with coatings for energy ranges between 100 eV and 80 keV have been investigated.
We will show stripe multilayer coatings which are often used as Double Crystal Multilayer Monochromators (DCMM) for example in tomography beamlines. The optics consists of up to 5 different coating stripes, optimized for each energy range.
We will also present results of a 50 cm laterally graded multilayer optics, developed for special mini-synchrotrons with a deviation to a specified film shape of less than 0.2 %.
We will present new developments of Montel Optics for synchrotron applications. Different types of these two-dimensional optics are used at DLS, NSLS and APS and Riken, for example in an analyzer system for inelastic scattering. One new 230 mm Montel Optic for 11215 eV was delivered a few months ago to ESRF for BL ID20.
Parasitic aperture scattering causes loss in data quality especially in SAXS and GISAXS ap-plications. Various measurement results will be presented showing the improvement of data quality with scatterless pinholes. These pinholes are either made of Germanium for energies < 11.2 keV or of Tantalum for energies > 11.2 keV and are available with diameters from 2 mm down to 20 µm and below.

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