Measurements of work function and negative Ion spectra from C12A7 electride immersed in a hydrogen plasma.

8 Sep 2020, 02:00
Poster H– and D– sources for fusion, accelerators and other applications P2


Mamiko SASAO (Doshisha University)


Recently the C12A7 electride attracts much attention as one of the possible plasma electrode material of Cs-free negative hydrogen isotope (H⁻/D⁻/T⁻) ion sources[1-2].
In this work, H-/D⁻ spectra from a C12A7 electride target immersed in an ICP plasma was measured in the apparatus, Phisis[3] . The target was biased negatively against the electrically grounded chamber. The temperature of the target was controllable up to 800 C. Negative ions were energy analyzed by a Hiden EQP300 mass spectrometer. By rotating the target, it can be irradiated by an energy-tunable photon beam, Omni Lamda 300i[4], when the plasma off, and the photo-electric current was measured. The work function of the sample can be obtained from the threshold photon energy. The lowest value of the work function observed was ~2.5 eV. This value was confirmed by UPS measurement with the similar conditioning procedure.
Change of the negative ion yield due to the work function was measured.

[1] Y. Toda, et al., Advanced Materials 19, 3564 (2007).
[2] M. Sasao, et al., Applied Physics Express 11, 066201 (2018).
[3] G. Cartry, et al., A, New Journal of Physics 19 025010 (2017).
[4] L. Tahari, et al., presented at JSI 2020 - Journées Surfaces & Interfaces(Sorbonne Université, 22-24 janvier 2020).

Primary authors

Mamiko SASAO (Doshisha University) Mr Lenny Tahari (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, PIIM, ) Prof. Gilles CARTRY (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, PIIM)


Dr Marco MINISSALE (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, PIIM,) Prof. Jean-Marc LAYET

Presentation Materials