Peer Review Options

You will get the e-mail with the link to the manuscript, assigned for reviewing by you. By clicking link you will go to “Paper Peer Reviewing” page, where you can download the submitted paper and to evaluate the paper. 

By clicking the icon “review” you will enter the review area. You can paste your review to the area “reviewing in content” and to choose one of three options given there (“accept”, “reject” or “to be corrected”)  in the “proposal” area. Finally click “Submit review” button to send your comments and assessment by e-mail to the authors. Also You can make your comments into the area “live a comment” which will be seen by editors only.

The second option is to send your paper review to the editors by e-mail, Please, give your evaluation of the manuscript by criteria, indicated in the “NIBS-2020 Referee Report Sheet”, add your comments and select your decision on the manuscript (“accepted”, “accepted after minor revision, “to be corrected with further review”, or to “reject”)