Formation of nanosized metal hydrosols under the influence of terahertz laser radiation

6 Jul 2016, 16:20
Parallel session Hall (Budker INP)

Parallel session Hall

Budker INP

Oral THz radiation aplication FEL-based study and THz radiation application


Dr Alexander Kozlov (Voevodsky Institute of chemical kinetics and combustion SB RAS)


The present report describes a new phenomenon - short-term exposure of water with focused terahertz radiation of free electron laser leads to the formation of nanoparticle suspension (hydrosol). Composition of the particles formed corresponds to the material of metal containers used in the experiment. Fractional and elemental composition of the particles was determined by atomic force (AFM), scanning electron microscopy with elemental analyzer (SEM EDAX), and the results of mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS). Hydrosols are technologically convenient form, suitable for scientific and technological applications which require uniform deposition and high catalytic activity, they are useful in medicine, nonlinear optics, as well as the alternate method of sample preparation for chemical and elemental analysis.

Primary author

Dr Alexander Kozlov (Voevodsky Institute of chemical kinetics and combustion SB RAS)


Prof. Alexander Petrov (ICKC SB RAS) Dr Eugeny Chebykin (LIN SB RAS) Dr Oleg Shevchenko (BINP SB RAS) Dr Vadim Annenkov (LIN SB RAS)

Presentation Materials