27 February 2017 to 3 March 2017
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Radiation damage in silicon photomultipliers exposed to neutron radiation

28 Feb 2017, 17:00
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics

Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics

11, akademika Lavrentieva prospect, Novosibirsk, Russia
Board: 42
Poster Calorimetry Posters


Mr Adriaan Heering (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)) Dr Yury Musienko (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)/INR RAS (Moscow))


We report on the measurement of the radiation hardness of newly developed silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) manufactured by Hamamatsu Corporation (Japan). The SiPMs were irradiated with neutrons up to 1 MeV equivalent fluence of $2*10^{12} n/cm^2$ at TRIGA Marc II research reactor in Ljubljana. The SiPM's main parameters were measured before and after irradiation. The effects of the radiation on many parameters such as gain, intrinsic dark current, photon detection efficiency and noise for these devices are shown and discussed.

Primary author

Dr Yury Musienko (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)/INR RAS (Moscow))


Mr Adriaan Heering (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)) Mr Anton Karneyeu (INR (Moscow)) Prof. Mitchell Wayne (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)) Prof. Randal Ruchti (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)) Mr Vladimir Postoev (INR (Moscow))

Presentation Materials