Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics (INSTR-17)

from Monday, 27 February 2017 (08:30) to Friday, 3 March 2017 (22:20)
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
27 Feb 2017
28 Feb 2017
1 Mar 2017
2 Mar 2017
3 Mar 2017
08:30 --- Registration ---
Review talks from collider centers -Dr Manfred KRAMMER (CERN) Dr Yuri Tikhonov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) (until 13:00) ()
09:30 Collider experiments in Budker Institute - Prof. Pavel Logatchev (Budker INP SB RAS)   ()
10:00 HEP activities at CERN - Dr Manfred Krammer (CERN)   ()
10:30 Status and Future Perspectives of the ILC Project: Accelerator / Detector R&D - Dr Tsunehiko Omori (KEK)   ()
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
11:30 Fermilab Program and Plans - Dr Dmitri Denisov (Fermilab)   ()
12:00 Status of the KLOE-2 experiment at Frascati - Dr Danilo Domenici (INFN - LNF)   ()
12:30 Status from JINR - Prof. Vladimir Kekelidze (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)   ()
Tracking and vertex detectors -Dr Francesco Grancagnolo (Institute Nzionale di Fisica Nuclear - Lecce) Dr Danilo Domenici (INFN - LNF) (until 12:55) ()
09:00 The Tracking and Calorimeter Systems of the Mu2e Experiment - Prof. David Hitlin (Caltech)   ()
09:25 The MEGII detector - Prof. Paolo Walter Cattaneo (INFN Pavia)   ()
09:45 The construction technique of high granularity and high transparency Drift Chambers for the MEG II upgrade - Dr Giovanni Francesco Tassielli (INFN Lecce & University of Salento)   ()
10:05 Cylindrical drift chamber and tracking in COMET - Dr Yao Zhang (China)   ()
10:25 Central Drift Chamber for Belle-II - Dr Nanae Taniguchi (KEK IPNS)   ()
10:45 --- Coffee break ---
11:15 NA62 Straw Tracker - Temur Enik (Joint Institute Nuclear Research)   ()
11:35 Status of the Precision Drift Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer - Dr Anatoly Kozhin (IHEP Protvino)   ()
11:55 Design of the forward straw tube tracker for the PANDA experiment - Prof. Jerzy Smyrski (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland)   ()
12:15 TPC status for MPD experiment at NICA project - Mr Sergey Movchan (JINR)   ()
12:35 A TPC for the International Linear Collider - Dr Paul Colas (CEA/Irfu Université Paris Saclay)   ()
Calorimetry -Prof. David Hitlin (Caltech) Prof. Mikhail Korjik (INP BSU) (until 13:10) ()
09:00 Limits of Scintillation Materials For Future Experiments at High Luminosity LHC and FCC - Prof. Mikhail Korjik (INP BSU)   ()
09:25 Performance of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter - Aliaksei Hrynevich (Byelorussian State University)   ()
09:45 The Phase II upgrade of the CMS Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter - Dr Alexander Singovski (University of Minnesota)   ()
10:05 The LHCb Calorimeter system: design, performance and upgrade - Dr Yury Guz (IHEP Protvino)   ()
10:25 Upgrade of the ATLAS hadronic Tile calorimeter for the High luminosity LHC - Alexander Solodkov (IHEP Protvino)   ()
10:45 --- Coffee break ---
11:15 Development of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics for the HL-LHC - Prof. Gustaaf Brooijmans (Columbia University)   ()
11:35 The Upgrade of the ECL forward calorimeter of the BelleII experiment at SuperKEKB. - Claudia cecchi (university of Perugia and INFN PG)   ()
11:55 Polycrystalline Scintillators for Large Area Detectors in HEP Experiments - Dr Georgy Dosovitskiy (Institute of Chemical Reagents and High Purity Chemical Substances, IREA, NRC "Kurchatov Institute")   ()
12:15 Highly Granular Calorimeters: Technologies and Results - Dr Yong Liu (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)   ()
12:30 Silicon-tungsten calorimetry for future high energy e+e- collider - Dr Vladislav Balagura (CNRS / LLR - Ecole polytechnique)   ()
12:40 Monitoring and Correcting for Response Changes in the CMS Lead-tungstate Electromagnetic Calorimeter in LHC Run2 - Dr Tatyana Dimova (NSU/BINP)   ()
12:55 Calibration of the LHCb calorimetric system - Mr Dmitrii Pereima (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP))   ()
Micropattern gas detectors -Mr Lev Shekhtman (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) Dr Giovanni Bencivenni (LNF - INFN) (until 13:05) ()
09:00 The new Cylindrical GEM Inner Tracker of the BESIII experiment: test beam results of two prototypes. - Dr Lia Lavezzi (INFN and IHEP)   ()
09:20 Study on a new design of a GEM-based technology detector for the CMS experiment - Mrs Martina Ressegotti (University and INFN Pavia (IT))   ()
09:40 High resolution micro-pattern gas detectors for particle physics, developments at the Budker INP - Mr Lev Shekhtman (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)   ()
10:00 A new technique for assembling large-size GEM detectors and its experimental results - Dr Wenhao You (University of Science and Technology of China)   ()
10:20 Discharge and stability studies for the new readout chambers of the upgraded ALICE TPC - Mr Alexander Deisting (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH; Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)   ()
10:40 --- Coffee break ---
11:10 The micro-RWELL detector - Dr Giovanni Bencivenni (LNF - INFN)   ()
11:30 Large Area Resistive Micromegas for the Upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer - Dr Giovanni Maccarrone (INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)   ()
11:50 Precise Calibration of Large Area Micromegas Detectors Using Cosmic Rays - Mr Maximilian Herrmann (LMU Munich)   ()
12:10 Construction and Quality Assurance of Large Area Resistive Strip Micromegas for the Upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer - Mr Philipp Loesel (LMU Munich)   ()
12:30 Study of some aspects of straw tube detectors for CBM-MuCh - Dr Saikat Biswas (Bose Institute)   ()
12:50 The cylindrical GEM detector of the KLOE-2 experiment - Mr Di Cicco Alessandro (ROMA TRE UNIVERSITY)   ()
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition -Prof. Alexei Klimentov (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr Alexander Kuzmin (BINP) (until 12:50) ()
09:00 A custom readout electronics for the BESIII CGEM detector - Manuel Dionisio Da Rocha Rolo (INFN)   ()
09:20 Phase-I Trigger Readout Electronics Upgrade for the ATLAS Liquid-Argon Calorimeters - Mr Bernard Dinkespiler (Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille)   ()
09:40 Electronics for CMS Endcap Muon Level-1 Trigger System Phase-1 and HL LHC Upgrades - Alexander Madorsky (University of Florida)   ()
10:00 Front-End Electronics development status for TPC detector of MPD/NICA project - Mr Stepan Vereschagin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)   ()
10:20 Monitoring Single Event Upsets in SRAM-based FPGAs at the SuperKEKB Interaction Point - Dr Raffaele Giordano (University of Naples and INFN)   ()
10:40 --- Coffee break ---
11:10 Monitoring complex detectors: the uSOP approach in Belle II experiment - Dr Francesco Di Capua (Università di Napoli "Federico II")   ()
11:30 The Belle II Pixel Detector Data Aquisition and Background Suppression System - Mr Klemens Lautenbach (JLU Giessen)   ()
11:50 Electronic readout system for Belle II imaging Time of Propagation detector - Dr Dmitri Kotchetkov (University of Hawaii at Manoa)   ()
12:10 Data Aquisition System for the PENeLOPE Experiment using the Unified Communication Framework - Mr Dominic Gaisbauer (Institute for Hadronic Structure and Fundamental Symmetries, TU Munich)   ()
12:30 A T0/Trigger Detector for the External Target Experiment at CSR - Dr Dongdong Hu (University of Science and Technology of China)   ()
13:00 --- Group photo ---
13:10 --- Lunch ---
Colliders and detector integration -Dr Dmitri Denisov (Fermilab) (until 17:20) ()
14:30 Laser backscattering for beam energy calibration in collider experiments. Recent results. - Prof. Nikolai Muchnoi (Budker INP SB RAS)   ()
14:50 Beam energy measurement system at BEPCII - Dr Jianyong Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)   ()
15:10 Luminosity measurements at LHCb - Dr Vladislav Balagura (CNRS / LLR - Ecole polytechnique)   ()
15:30 The KLOE-2 High Energy Taggers - Francesca Curciarello (INFN-LNF)   ()
15:50 Scintillating Fibre Detector for the Mu3e Experiment - Mr Simon Corrodi (Herr)   ()
16:10 --- Coffee break ---
16:40 Optimization of the beam crossing angle at the ILC for e+e- and gamma-gamma collisons - Prof. Valery Telnov (BINP, Novosibirsk Univ.)   ()
17:00 The Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment: laser calibration system - Dr Marin Karuza (University of Rijeka and INFN Trieste)   ()
Computing -Dr Ivan Logashenko (BINP) (until 18:50) ()
17:20 Trigger systems of the LHC experiments - Prof. Manfred Jeitler (HEPHY Vienna)   ()
17:45 Computing challenges of the CMS experiment - Ms Natascha Krammer (Institute of High Energy Physics (Austrian Academy of Science))   ()
18:05 The Belle II Software - From Detector Signals to Physics Results - Prof. Thomas Kuhr (LMU)   ()
18:30 Inner Detector Track Reconstruction and Alignment at the ATLAS Experiment - Dr Matthias Danninger (University of British Columbia)   ()
19:00 --- Reception ---
12:55 --- Lunch ---
Tracking and vertex detectors -Prof. Evgeny Solodov (BINP) (until 16:40) ()
14:20 MWPC prototyping and testing for STAR Inner TPC Upgrade - Mr Fuwang Shen (Shandong University)   ()
14:40 Silicon Technologies for the CLIC Vertex Detector - Dr Simon Spannagel (CERN)   ()
15:00 The Phase-1 Upgrade of the CMS Pixel Detector - Mr Martin Lipinski (1. Physikalisches Institut B, RWTH Aachen)   ()
15:20 ATLAS Forward Proton detector – status and future plans - Tomas Sykora (Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Mathematics & Physics, Charles University)   ()
15:40 Tracking Detector for Luminosity Measurement at PANDA - Dr Christof Motzko (Helmholtz Institut Mainz)   ()
16:00 Status of the Mu3e detector - Dr Dirk Wiedner (Physikalisches Institut Universitaet Heidelberg)   ()
16:20 A new Scintillating Fibre Tracker for LHCb experiment - Dr Alexander Malinin (NRC "Kurchatov Institute")   ()
16:40 --- Coffee break ---
17:00 --- Opera-quest "Turandot", Opera and Ballet Theatre ---
Posters (until 18:00) ()
17:00 A 64-channel integrated circuit for signal readout from coordinate detectors. - Mr Lev Shekhtman (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)   ()
17:00 After-pulsing and cross-talk comparison for KETEK PM1125NS-SB0, Hamamatsu S10362-11-100C and Hamamatsu S13360-3050CS at room temperature - Mr Vladislav Oleinikov (Institute of Nuclear Physics 11, akademika Lavrentieva prospect, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia)   ()
17:00 Application of the Cluster Counting and Timing techniques to improve the performance of the high transparency Drift Chambers for modern High Energy Physics experiments - Mr Gianluigi Chiarello (INFN Lecce) Dr Giovanni Francesco Tassielli (INFN Lecce & University of Salento)   ()
17:00 ATLAS jet and missing energy reconstruction, calibration and performance in LHC Run-2 - Mr Aliaksei Hrynevich (INP BSU)   ()
17:00 Calibration of the KEDR detector Tagging System with two-photon lepton pair production - Olga Rezanova (BINP)   ()
17:00 CaloCube: a highly segmented calorimeter for space based observation of high energy cosmic rays. - Prof. paolo walter cattaneo (INFN Pavia)   ()
17:00 Central Tracking for experiment BM&N based on double side silicon detectors. - Mr Sergei Khabarov (JINR)   ()
17:00 Characterization of GaAs:Cr Timepix hybrid pixel detectors - Mr Petr Smolyanskiy (JINR)   ()
17:00 Charged particle identification using the liquid Xenon calorimeter of the CMD-3 detector - Mr Vyacheslav Ivanov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)   ()
17:00 Cherenkov gamma-ray telescope of TAIGA experiment. Status of work - Yaroslav Sagan (JINR)   ()
17:00 Concept of data storage prototype for Super-C-Tau factory detector - Mr Dmitriy Maximov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)   ()
17:00 Data acquisition for the PANDA luminosity detector with online track reconstruction - Mr Stephan Maldaner (Helmholtz-Institut Mainz)   ()
17:00 Design and fabrication of a data logger for atmospheric pressure, temperature and relative humidity for gas-filled detector development - Dr Saikat Biswas (Bose Institute) Mrs Sharmili Rudra (University of Calcutta)   ()
17:00 Developing of muon system for TAIGA experiment - Mr Pavel Kirilenko (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)   ()
17:00 Developing of the segmented neutrino detector Baby-MIND - Mr Mefodiev Aleksandr (INR RAS)   ()
17:00 Development and production of high purity raw materials for scintillators for experiments in particle physics - Dr Georgy Dosovitskiy (Institute of Chemical Reagents and High Purity Chemical Substances, IREA, NRC "Kurchatov Institute")   ()
17:00 Development of a silicon micro-strip detector with single photon sensitivity for fast dynamic diffraction experiments at a synchrotron radiation beam. - Mr Lev Shekhtman (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)   ()
17:00 Development of high resolution GEM-based detector for the extracted electron beam facility at the VEPP-4M collider. - Mr Vasily Kudryavtsev (BINP)   ()
17:00 Development of large scale focal plane detectors for MAGIX - Mr Pepe GÜLKER (Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Mainz)   ()
17:00 Development of MCP based particle detector - Mr Mikhail Barnyakov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)   ()
17:00 Development of scintillator detector for detection of cosmic ray shower - Dr Saikat Biswas (Bose Institute)   ()
17:00 Development of the internal Gas-Jet-Target for MAGIX - Mr Stephan Marcus Aulenbacher (Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Mainz)   ()
17:00 Development of the new spectrometric channel for the SND electromagnetic calorimeter - Mr Ilya Surin (Budker INP)   ()
17:00 Energy and time reconstruction algorithm of Belle II electromagnetic calorimeter - Mr Alexander Bobrov (BINP)   ()
17:00 Energy Scale Calibration of KEDR Detector Tagging System - Viacheslav Kaminskiy (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS)   ()
17:00 First results from the ATLAS-GaAsPix radiation monitoring system - Mikhail Demichev (JINR)   ()
17:00 First using of the particle identification system based on dense aerogel in data analysis of the e+e- -> K+K- process - Mr Konstantin Beloborodov (BINP)   ()
17:00 GEM tracking system of the BM@N experiment - Mrs Anna Maksymchuk (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)   ()
17:00 Hadron calorimeters for the experiment of tensor-polarized deuteron photodisintegration at the VEPP-3 storage ring. - Dr Dmitri Nikolenko (BINP SB RAS)   ()
17:00 JUNO PMT system - Dr Zhimin WANG (Institute of High Energy Physics)   ()
17:00 Laboratory tests of the response stability of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter photomultipliers - Dr Vassili Kazanin (Budker INP)   ()
17:00 Laser polarimeter at VEPP-4M - Dr Ivan Nikolaev (Budker Insitute of Nuclear Physics)   ()
17:00 Limits of a spatial resolution of the cascaded GEM based detectors - Mr Timofei Maltsev (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)   ()
17:00 Management system for the SND experiments - Mr Konstantin Pugachev (BINP)   ()
17:00 Measurement of absolute photon detection efficiency of different silicon photomultipliers. - Mr Ivan Kuyanov (BINP)   ()
17:00 Measurement of the luminosity at the CMD-3 detector. - Artem Ryzhenenkov (BINP)   ()
17:00 Microchannel plates phototubes in high magnetic field - Mr Alexandr Katcin (BINP)   ()
17:00 Multisector scintillation detector with fiber-optical light collection - Nikolay Prokopenko (National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute» State Research Center - Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia; National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia)   ()
17:00 New empirical expression for APD gain versus voltage dependence - Dr Yury Musienko (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)/INR RAS (Moscow))   ()
17:00 New method for determining avalanche breakdown voltage of silicon photomultipliers - Dr Igor Chirikov-Zorin (JINR)   ()
17:00 Next generation FPGA application on the ATLAS calorimeter trigger board dedicated to jet identification - Mr Stefan Rave (Insitut fuer Physik, JGU Mainz)   ()
17:00 Novel Fast Response and Radiation-resistant Scintillator Detector for Beam Loss Monitor - Ms Yuanjing Ji (University of Science and Technology of China)   ()
17:00 Numerical simulation of fast photo detectors based on microchannel plates - Dr Valentin Ivanov (NSU/Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS)   ()
17:00 Optimizing The Performance of V0+ Detector of the Fast Interaction Trigger (FIT) for the Upgrade of the ALICE Detector - Mohamed Awadein (Stefan Meyer Institute. Austria)   ()
17:00 Proposal for VEPP-4M beam energy measurement using magnetic spectrometer with Compton calibration and photon detector - Viacheslav Kaminskiy (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS)   ()
17:00 Prototype of vacuum phototriode for SND detector - Mrs Elena Mamoshkina (BINP) Mr Evgeniy Pyata (BINP)   ()
17:00 Radiation damage in silicon photomultipliers exposed to neutron radiation - Mr Adriaan Heering (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)) Dr Yury Musienko (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)/INR RAS (Moscow))   ()
17:00 Radiation hardness study of CsI(Tl) scintillation crystals for the Belle II calorimeter - Mr Dmitry Matvienko (BINP)   ()
17:00 Radiation Hardness tests with neutron flux on different Silicon photomultiplier devices - Prof. paolo walter cattaneo (INFN Pavia)   ()
17:00 Recent progress in oxide scintillation crystals development by low-thermal gradient Chozchralski technique for particle experiments - Nina Ivannokova (NIIC) Veronika Grigorieva (NIIC) Dr Vladimir Shlegel (NIIC)   ()
17:00 Separation of e+e- to e+e- and e+e- to pi+pi- events based on the difference in the energy deposition profiles in SND detector calorimeter. - Mr Andrey Kupich (BINP)   ()
17:00 Silicon micro-strip detector for imaging of fast processes at high intensity synchrotron radiation beam - Mr Lev Shekhtman (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)   ()
17:00 Simulation of the ASHIPH Cherenkov counters of the KEDR detector - Mr Ivan Ovtin (BINP)   ()
17:00 Status of the electromagnetic calorimeter trigger system at the Belle II - Mr SungHyun Kim (Hanyang University)   ()
17:00 Status of the KEDR new drift chamber - Mr I.Yu. Basok (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)   ()
17:00 Status of the Time-of-Flight system of the MPD - Mr Vadim Babkin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)   ()
17:00 Study of cryogenic photomultiplier tubes for the future double-phase cryogenic avalanche detector. - Mr Lev Shekhtman (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)   ()
17:00 Study of proportional electroluminescence in two-phase argon - Mrs Ekaterina Shemyakina (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS)   ()
17:00 Testing methods for 20-inches PMTs of the JUNO experiment - Mr Nikolay Anfimov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR))   ()
17:00 The 32-channel TDC based on Altera Cyclone III FPGA. - Pavel Kasyanenko (BINP)   ()
17:00 The array of scintillation detectors with natural boron for EAS neutrons investigations - Dr Dmitry Gromushkin (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))   ()
17:00 The Crystal Zero Degree Detector at BESIII - Leonard Koch (Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen)   ()
17:00 The detector on the basis of drift chambers for inclined muon bundle investigations - Mr Egor Zadeba (MEPhI)   ()
17:00 The electronic for TOF system of the CMD-3 detector - Mr Alexey Kozyrev (BINP)   ()
17:00 The first results of the processing module prototype of the Liquid Xenon Calorimeter's for timing measurements - Mr Leonid Epshteyn (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)   ()
17:00 The geometric alignment of the CMD-3 endcap electromagnetic calorimeter using events of two-quantum annihilation - Dr Vassili Kazanin (Budker INP)   ()
17:00 The low energy beam profile monitor for the muon g-2/EDM experiment at J-PARC - Mr Georgiy Razuvaev (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)   ()
17:00 The Mu2e crystal calorimeter - fabio happacher (INFN)   ()
17:00 The Phase-2 ATLAS ITk Pixel Upgrade - Dr Stefano Terzo (IFAE)   ()
17:00 The upgrade of the CMS Outer Tracker detector - Mrs Jelena Luetic (Université libre de Bruxelles)   ()
17:00 Tracking chamber made of 15-mm mylar drift tubes - Dr Anatoly Kozhin (Institute for High Energy Physics, 142281, Protvino, Moscow reg., Russian Federation)   ()
17:00 TUNKA-GRANDE experiment - Roman Monkhoev (API ISU)   ()
17:00 Z - chamber of the CMD-3 detector in the reconstruction of the track longitudinal coordinate - Mr Dmitry Shemyakin (BINP)   ()
18:00 --- BINP Excursion ---
13:10 --- Lunch ---
Calorimetry -Prof. Dmitry Grigoriev (BINP) (until 15:05) ()
14:30 Sensors for the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter - Dr Andreas Alexander Maier (CERN)   ()
14:45 A High-Granularity Timing Detector for the Phase-II upgrade of the ATLAS Calorimeter system - Dr Evangelos - Leonidas Gkougkousis (SCIPP, University of California Santa Cruz)   ()
Instrumentation for Astroparticle and Neutrino physics -Prof. Dmitry Grigoriev (BINP) Prof. Yury Kudenko (Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS) (until 19:00) ()
15:05 Neutrino detectors for oscillation experiments - Prof. Yury Kudenko (Institute for Nuclear Research)   ()
15:30 WA105 experiment at CERN: large demonstrator of Dual Phase Liquid Argon TPC detector for DUNE - Wladyslaw Henryk Trzaska (University of Jyväskylä)   ()
15:50 The Instrumentation of JUNO - Prof. Yuekun Heng (IHEP)   ()
16:10 --- Coffee break ---
16:40 The Hyper-Kamiokande detector: R&D studies of a new generation of Photosensors - Prof. Vincenzo Berardi (INFN - Sezione di Bari)   ()
17:00 The RED-100 experiment - Dr Dmitry Akimov (ITEP and MEPhI)   ()
17:20 Measurement of ionization yields of nuclear recoils in liquid argon using two-phase detector - Mr Vladislav Oleinikov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS)   ()
17:40 TAIGA experiment: present status and perspectives. - Prof. Nikolay Budnev (Irkutsk State University)   ()
18:00 archPbMoO4 scintillating bolometers as detectors to search for the neutrinoless double beta decay of 100Mo - Dr Serge Nagorny (Gran Sasso Science Institute)   ()
18:20 Cluster type EAS array of the NEVOD experimental complex - Mr Ivan Shulzhenko (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))   ()
18:40 Antihydrogen experiments: addressing the challenges of ultra-low temperatures - Dr Sebastian Gerber (CERN)   ()
13:05 --- Lunch ---
Particle identification -Prof. Peter Krizan (Uni. Ljubljana and J. Stefan Inst.) Dr Evgeniy Kravchenko (Budker INP) (until 19:00) ()
14:20 Cherenkov detectors with aerogel radiators - Dr Evgeniy Kravchenko (Budker INP/NSU)   ()
14:45 Aerogel RICH counter for the Belle II forward PID - Luka Santelj (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))   ()
15:05 AMS-02 RICH detector in space: status and results - Dr Francesca Giovacchini (CIEMAT (Spain)/CERN)   ()
15:25 R&D of Focusing Aerogel RICH detectors - Mr Sergey Kononov (BINP)   ()
15:45 Status of installation and commissioning for the Belle II time-of-propagation counter - Dr Yosuke Maeda (KMI, Nagoya University)   ()
16:05 The PANDA DIRC detectors at FAIR - Mr Carsten Schwarz (GSI Helmholtzzentrum GmbH)   ()
16:25 --- Coffee break ---
16:55 Advances in Solid State Photon Detectors - Dr Yuri Musienko (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)/Inr RAS (Moscow))   ()
17:20 MPGD-based photon detector upgrade for COMPASS RICH - Dr Gergo Hamar (INFN Trieste)   ()
17:40 The PANDA barrel-TOF detector at FAIR - Mr Sebastian Zimmermann (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)   ()
18:00 Micro-channel plates in ionisation mode as a fast timing device for future hadron colliders - Mr Alexander Barnyakov (BINP, NSU, NSTU)   ()
18:20 K long and muon system for the Belle II experiment - Dr Timofey Uglov (MIPT and LPI RAS)   ()
18:40 Charged Particle Hodoscope for NA62 experiment and it's performance in 2016 run - sergey kholodenko (ihep)   ()
19:30 --- Conference dinner, Pechki-Lavochki, Tavern ---
12:50 --- Lunch ---
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition -Dr Vladimir Druzhinin (BINP) (until 14:45) ()
14:10 Characterisation of novel prototypes of monolithic HV-CMOS pixel detectors for high energy physics experiments - Dr Stefano Terzo (IFAE)   ()
14:30 Pulse-shape discrimination with Cs2HfCl6 crystal scintillator - Dr Serge Nagorny (Gran Sasso Science Institute)   ()
Review talks from collider centers -Dr Vladimir Druzhinin (BINP) (until 16:15) ()
14:45 BigData challenges and processing at present and future High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics  experiments - Prof. Alexei Klimentov (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   ()
15:10 The LHCb upgrades overview - Dr Mark Williams (University of Manchester)   ()
15:35 Plans and Status of the SuperKEKB and BelleII Project - Prof. Peter Krizan (Uni. Ljubljana and J. Stefan Inst.)   ()
16:05 Beam background detection at SuperKEKB/Belle II - Prof. Peter Krizan (Uni. Ljubljana and J. Stefan Inst.) Dr Peter Lewis (University of Hawaii)   ()
16:15 Summary   ()
16:30 --- Coffee break ---
17:00 --- Ballet "The Nutcracker", Opera and Ballet Theatre ---