27 February 2017 to 3 March 2017
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

R&D of Focusing Aerogel RICH detectors

2 Mar 2017, 15:25
Contributed Oral Particle identification Particle identification


Mr Sergey Kononov (BINP)


Focusing Aerogel RICH (FARICH) is a novel type of Cherenkov detector that employs radiator of multi-layer or inhomogenious aerogel to get focussed Cherenkov rings in the photon detector plane. This tehnique allows one to achieve an excellent Cherenkov angle resolution that allows one, for example, to separate muons and pions up to 2 GeV/c momentum that is neeeded for the Super Charm-Tau factory project in Novosibirsk. FARICH R&D started in 2004 is followed. Applications of the FARICH detectors in the forthcoming and future experiments are described, including the Forward RICH detector for the PANDA experiment. Beam tests results of FARICH prototypes are reported.

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