27 February 2017 to 3 March 2017
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Central Drift Chamber for Belle-II

28 Feb 2017, 10:25
Contributed Oral Tracking and vertex detectors Tracking and vertex detectors


Dr Nanae Taniguchi (KEK IPNS)


The Central Drift Chamber (CDC) is the main device for tracking and identification of charged particles for Belle-II experiment. The Belle-II CDC is cylindrical wire chamber with 14336 sense wires, 2.3m-length and 2.2m-diameter. The wire chamber and readout electronics have been completely replaced from the Belle CDC. The new readout electronics system must handle higher trigger rate of 30kHz with less dead time at the design luminosity of $8\times 10^{35}{\rm cm}^{-2}{\rm s}^{-1}$. The front-end electronics are located close to detector and send digitized signal through optical fibers. The Amp-Shaper-Discriminator chips, FADC and FPGA are assembled on a single board. Belle-II CDC with readout electronics has been installed successfully in Belle structure in October 2016. We will present overview of the Belle-II CDC and status of commissioning with cosmic ray.

Primary author

Dr Nanae Taniguchi (KEK IPNS)

Presentation Materials