- Ivan Logashenko (BINP)
Manfred Jeitler
(HEPHY Vienna)
27/02/2017, 17:20
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
Contributed Oral
Interaction rates at the LHC increase with the collider's luminosity and collision energy. All LHC experiments and in particular their trigger systems have to take this fact into account in order to ensure efficient physics data taking while at the same time keeping data rates at an acceptable level. This talk will present an overview of the most important trigger upgrades that have happened...
Natascha Krammer
(Institute of High Energy Physics (Austrian Academy of Science))
27/02/2017, 17:45
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
Contributed Oral
The success of the LHC experiments is due to the magnificent performance of the detector systems and the excellent operating computing systems. The CMS offline software and computing system is successfully fulfilling the LHC Run 2 requirements. For the increased data rate, together with high pileup interactions, improvements of the usage of the current computing facilities and new technologies...
Thomas Kuhr
27/02/2017, 18:05
Electronics, Trigger and Data Acquisition
Invited Oral
Matthias Danninger
(University of British Columbia)
27/02/2017, 18:30
Tracking and vertex detectors
Contributed Oral
The Inner Detector of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC is responsible for reconstructing the trajectories of charged particles (‘tracks’) with high efficiency and accuracy. It consists of three subdetectors, each using a different technology to provide measurements points. An overview of the use of each of these subdetectors in track reconstruction, as well as the algorithmic approaches taken...