Particle identification
- Peter Krizan (Uni. Ljubljana and J. Stefan Inst.)
- Evgeniy Kravchenko (Budker INP)
Evgeniy Kravchenko
(Budker INP/NSU)
02/03/2017, 14:20
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
This review discusses the application of the aerogel as radiator in Cherenkov detectors. The talk gives the view on the history of use of aerogel in detectors for particle physics experiments. Physical principles of such detectors construction and operation are described. Data on threshold Cherenkov counters with direct light collection and on those using wavelength shifters are presented....
Luka Santelj
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
02/03/2017, 14:45
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
The Belle II spectrometer, a follow up of the very successful Belle experiment, is in the last stages of construction at the SuperKEKB electron-positron collider at KEK in Japan. For the PID system in the forward region of the spectrometer, a proximity focusing RICH counter with aerogel radiator (ARICH) will be employed. The detector will provide a 4σ separation of pions and kaons up to...
Francesca Giovacchini
02/03/2017, 15:05
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
AMS-02 is a high-energy particle physics magnetic spectrometer installed on the International Space Station (ISS) in May 2011, succesfully operating and taking data since then. The goal of the experiment is to carry out precise measurements of cosmic rays in the energy range from GeV/n to TeV/n by means of specialized sub-detectors.
The Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) provides AMS with a...
Sergey Kononov
02/03/2017, 15:25
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
Focusing Aerogel RICH (FARICH) is a novel type of Cherenkov detector that employs radiator of multi-layer or inhomogenious aerogel to get focussed Cherenkov rings in the photon detector plane. This tehnique allows one to achieve an excellent Cherenkov angle resolution that allows one, for example, to separate muons and pions up to 2 GeV/c momentum that is neeeded for the Super Charm-Tau...
Yosuke Maeda
(KMI, Nagoya University)
02/03/2017, 15:45
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
The Time-Of-Propagation (TOP) counter in the Belle II experiment
is a novel device for particle identification (PID),
where a Cherenkov ring image is reconstructed based on timing information of each photon.
This can provide better performance of PID
than the PID detectors of the former Belle experiment,
while compact and low-mass detector system is realized at the same time.
We started...
Carsten Schwarz
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum GmbH)
02/03/2017, 16:05
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
The PANDA experiment at the FAIR facility will use antiproton beams on a fixed target to investigate open questions
in hadron physics in the momentum range of 1.5-15 GeV/c.
Two DIRC detectors in the target spectrometer will provide
charged particle identification (PID) for pions and kaons.
The Barrel DIRC covers polar angles
between 22∘ and 140∘ and momenta between 0.5 GeV/c and 3.5...
Yuri Musienko
(University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)/Inr RAS (Moscow))
02/03/2017, 16:55
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
This presentation reviews the latest developments in solid state photo-detectors, discusses the SiPM properties and problems and gives a speculative outlook on their future evolution. A special attention is paid to new developments in the field of radiation-hard SiPMs.
Gergo Hamar
(INFN Trieste)
02/03/2017, 17:20
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
The RICH detector of the COMPASS Experiment at CERN SPS is undergoing an
important upgrade: the central MWPC-based photon detectors have been replaced with novel Micropattern
detectors, to cope with the challenging efficiency and stability requirements of the new COMPASS
The new hybrid MPGD detector consists of two layers of ThickGEMs and
capacitive bulk Micromegas....
Sebastian Zimmermann
(Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
02/03/2017, 17:40
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
The triggerless detector system $\bar{\text{P}}$ANDA which is being built at the FAIR facility. The versatile detector system will enable us to study open questions in hadron physics, by doing charmonium spectroscopy with precision measurements of mass, width and decay branches, investigating possible exotic states, search for modifications of charmed hadrons in nuclear matter and gamma-ray...
Alexander Barnyakov
02/03/2017, 18:00
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
Future high rate hadron colliders are expected to have hundreds of concurrent proton-proton interactions in the same bunch crossing, deteriorating the reconstruction of the hard scattering event and the identification of calorimeters. The possibility to distinguish neutral particles coming from different interaction vertices is being pursued as a tool to reduce pile-up contamination in...
Timofey Uglov
02/03/2017, 18:20
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
A new K0L and muon detector based on scintillators will be used in the Belle II
experiment, currently at the final stages of construction. The increased luminosity of the e+e- SuperKEKB collider
entails challenging detector requirements. Relatively inexpensive polystyrene
scintillator strips with wavelength shifting fibers ensure a sufficient light yield at the Silicon
sergey kholodenko
02/03/2017, 18:40
Particle identification
Contributed Oral
A new Charged Particle Hodoscope (CHOD) detector for the NA62 experiment has been designed, constructed, installed and integrated with NA62 data acquisition system.Main purpose of the new detector are: to identify trigger topologies with charged particles in the fiducial volume and to detect conversion and hadron interactions of particles in the material upstream. The design features and...