11-15 September 2023
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Preliminary development of the KlyVI program computing module for simulation one dimensional longitudinal beam bunching dynamics in a klystron

13 Sep 2023, 17:50
1h 10m
Board: 124
Poster Accelerating structures and RF systems Posters II


Mr Vladimir Gushchin (NSU, BINP)


To quickly create a preliminary design of klystron that are important for fundamental science (for example, for BINP's projects of the Super C-tau factory, SKIF), it is advisable to use programs based on semi-analytical models that allow you to get a solution on a computer in a few seconds. However, most of such programes are not publicly available, so the INP SB RAS is developing a semi-analytical program based on a one-dimensional disk mathematical model of klystron. Despite the existence of publications of many articles and books devoted to the calculation and modeling of the klystron, there is no detailed description of the algorithm for creating the program. So the KlyVI program and the details of its implementation, which are presented in this paper, become all the more valuable.

To date, using the KlyVI program has calculated linear and nonlinear beam grouping in a 6-resonator powerful klystron. The comparison is made and the qualitative coincidence of the calculation results of the KlyVI program with analytical theory and the simulation results of other programs is shown. The output power and efficiency of the klystron are not calculated using the KlyVI program at the moment.

Young scientist paper Yes

Primary author

Mr Vladimir Gushchin (NSU, BINP)


Mr Ilya Kulbachenko (NSU, BINP)

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