Absolute calibration of the spectral sensitivity of detectors in the VUV range. Мeasurement procedure.

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Conference Hall (Budker INP)

Conference Hall

Budker INP

Lavrentiev av. 11, Novosibirsk 630090 Russia
SR technological application and X-ray apparatus


Dr Anton Nikolenko (BINP)


Metrology synchrotron radiation station “Cosmos” is functioning in the Siberian Centre of Synchrotron Radiation and uses radiation from the VEPP-4 storage ring. As part of the methodological support of the station's operation, a methodology for measuring the spectral sensitivity of detectors in the VUV range was developed and validated. The calibration is carried out using the reference detector method using a certified silicon photodiode. The report contains a description of the main stages of the procedure, such as obtaining metrologically pure monochromatic radiation, statistical processing of the obtained data, etc.

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